DeviceCaps Structure (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Retrieves device-specific information about a device.


Visual Basic Public Structure DeviceCaps
C# public struct DeviceCaps 
C++ public value class DeviceCaps sealed 
JScript In JScript, you can use structures, but you cannot define your own.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
ToString Obtains a string representation of the current instance.


Property Description
CanDrawSystemToNonLocal Indicates whether the device supports copying from system memory textures to nonlocal video memory textures.
CanRenderAfterFlip Indicates whether the device supports queue-rendering commands after a page flip.
CanStretchRectangleFromTextures Indicates whether the device supports Device.StretchRectangle using a texture as the source.
SupportsAdaptiveTessellateNPatch Indicates whether the device supports adaptive tessellation of N-patches.
SupportsAdaptiveTessellateRtPatch Indicates whether the device supports adaptive tessellation of RT-patches.
SupportsDMapNPatch Indicates whether the device supports displacement maps for N-patches.
SupportsDrawPrimitives2 Indicates whether the device supports DrawPrimitives2.
SupportsDrawPrimitives2Ex Indicates whether the device supports extended DrawPrimitives2.
SupportsDrawPrimitivesTransformedVertex Indicates whether the device exports a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) that is aware of DrawPrimitives.
SupportsExecuteSystemMemory Indicates whether the device uses executable buffers from system memory.
SupportsExecuteVideoMemory Indicates whether the device uses executable buffers from video memory.
SupportsHardwareRasterization Indicates whether the device has hardware acceleration for scene rasterization.
SupportsHardwareTransformAndLight Indicates whether the device supports transformation and lighting in hardware.
SupportsNPatches Indicates whether the device supports N-patches.
SupportsPreSampledDMapNPatch Indicates whether the device supports presampled displacement maps for N-patches.
SupportsPureDevice Indicates whether the device supports rasterization, transformations, lighting, and shading in hardware.
SupportsQuinticRtPatches Indicates whether the device supports quintic cubic Bezier curves and B-splines.
SupportsRtPatches Indicates whether the device supports rectangular and triangular patches.
SupportsRtPatchHandleZero Indicates whether the hardware architecture does not require caching of any information and whether uncached (handle-zero) patches are drawn as efficiently as cached ones.
SupportsSeparateTextureMemories Indicates whether the device is texturing from separate memory pools.
SupportsStreamOffset Indicates whether the device supports stream offsets.
SupportsTextureNonLocalVideoMemory Indicates whether the device can retrieve textures from nonlocal video memory.
SupportsTextureSystemMemory Indicates whether the device can retrieve textures from system memory.
SupportsTextureVideoMemory Indicates whether the device can retrieve textures from device memory.
SupportsTransformedVertexSystemMemory Indicates whether the device uses buffers from system memory for transformed and lit vertices.
SupportsTransformedVertexVideoMemory Indicates whether the device uses buffers from video memory for transformed and lit vertices.
VertexElementScanSharesStreamOffset Indicates whether multiple vertex elements share the same offset in a stream.

Structure Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D (microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492