ConditionalStyle Object Members

Word Developer Reference

Represents special formatting applied to specified areas of a table when the selected table is formatted with a specified table style.


  Name Description,office.12).gif Application Returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.,office.12).gif Borders Returns a Borders collection that represents all the borders for the specified ConditionalStyle object.,office.12).gif BottomPadding Returns or sets a Single that represents the amount of space (in points) to add below the contents of a single cell or all the cells in a table. Read/write.,office.12).gif Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created. Read-only Long.,office.12).gif Font Returns or sets a Font object that represents the character formatting of the specified object. Read/write.,office.12).gif LeftPadding Returns or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the left of the contents of a single cell or all the cells in a table. Read/write Single.,office.12).gif ParagraphFormat Returns or sets a ParagraphFormat object that represents the paragraph settings for the specified conditional style. Read/write.,office.12).gif Parent Returns an Object that represents the parent object of the specified ConditionalStyle object.,office.12).gif RightPadding Returns or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the right of the contents of a single cell or all the cells in a table. Read/write Single.,office.12).gif Shading Returns a Shading object that represents the shading formatting for the style formatting of a table.,office.12).gif TopPadding Returns or sets the amount of space (in points) to add above the contents of a single cell or all the cells in a table. Read/write Single.