Workspace.OpenDatabase Method

Access Developer Reference

Opens a specified database in a Workspace object and returns a reference to the Database object that represents it.


expression.OpenDatabase(Name, Options, ReadOnly, Connect)

expression   A variable that represents a Workspace object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Name Required String the name of an existing Microsoft Access database engine database file, or the data source name (DSN) of an ODBC data source. See the Name property for more information about setting this value.
Options Optional Variant Sets various options for the database, as specified in Remarks.
ReadOnly Optional Variant True if you want to open the database with read-only access, or False (default) if you want to open the database with read/write access.
Connect Optional Variant Specifies various connection information, including passwords.

Return Value


You can use the following values for the options argument.

Setting Description
True Opens the database in exclusive mode.
False (Default) Opens the database in shared mode.

When you open a database, it is automatically added to the Databases collection.

Some considerations apply when you use dbname:

  • If it refers to a database that is already open for access by another user, an error occurs.
  • If it doesn't refer to an existing database or valid ODBC data source name, an error occurs.
  • If it's a zero-length string ("") and connect is
    Visual Basic for Applications


    , a dialog box listing all registered ODBC data source names is displayed so the user can select a database.

    To close a database, and thus remove the Database object from the Databases collection, use the Close method on the object.

    Bb243164.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
    When you access a Microsoft access database engine-connected ODBC data source, you can improve your application's performance by opening a Database object connected to the ODBC data source, rather than by linking individual TableDef objects to specific tables in the ODBC data source.


    This example uses the OpenDatabase method to open one Microsoft Access database and two Microsoft Access database engine-connected ODBC databases.

    Visual Basic for Applications
      Sub OpenDatabaseX()

    Dim wrkAcc As Workspace Dim dbsNorthwind As Database Dim dbsPubs As Database Dim dbsPubs2 As Database Dim dbsLoop As Database Dim prpLoop As Property

    ' Create Microsoft Access Workspace object. Set wrkAcc = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)

    ' Open Database object from saved Microsoft Access database ' for exclusive use. MsgBox "Opening Northwind..." Set dbsNorthwind = wrkAcc.OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb", _ True)

    ' Open read-only Database object based on information in ' the connect string. MsgBox "Opening pubs..."

    ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be set to ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server. Set dbsPubs = wrkAcc.OpenDatabase("Publishers", _ dbDriverNoPrompt, True, _ "ODBC;DATABASE=pubs;DSN=Publishers")

    ' Open read-only Database object by entering only the ' missing information in the ODBC Driver Manager dialog ' box. MsgBox "Opening second copy of pubs..." Set dbsPubs2 = wrkAcc.OpenDatabase("Publishers", _ dbDriverCompleteRequired, True, _ "ODBC;DATABASE=pubs;DSN=Publishers;")

    ' Enumerate the Databases collection. For Each dbsLoop In wrkAcc.Databases Debug.Print "Database properties for " & _ dbsLoop.Name & ":"

      On Error Resume Next
      ' Enumerate the Properties collection of each Database 
      ' object.
      For Each prpLoop In dbsLoop.Properties
         If prpLoop.Name = "Connection" Then
            ' Property actually returns a Connection object.
            Debug.Print "  Connection[.Name] = " & _
            Debug.Print "  " & prpLoop.Name & " = " & _
         End If
      Next prpLoop
      On Error GoTo 0

    Next dbsLoop

    dbsNorthwind.Close dbsPubs.Close dbsPubs2.Close wrkAcc.Close

    End Sub