enforceScriptTimeout Attribute

Specifies whether to enable or disable a time-out period for scripts in a form.



Parent Elements

Element Description
scripts Defines the source of all business logic scripts used at the document level in the form.


  <xsd:attribute name="enforceScriptTimeout" type="xsf:xdYesNo" use="optional" default="yes" ></xsd:attribute>


Setting the enforceScriptTimeout attribute to "no" in the form definition file (.xsf) disables the time-out period for scripts running in the form. The default value is "yes".

For code running in a task pane, there is a separate time-out period provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer. This time-out period is not affected by the value of the enforceScriptTimeout attribute.

A time-out period cannot be specified for managed code in InfoPath forms.


The following is an example of the enforceScriptTimeout attribute as it is used in the scripts element:

  <xsf:scripts language="jscript" enforceScriptTimeout="no">  
   <xsf:script src="internal.js" /> 
   <xsf:script src="script.js" /> 