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ChartFillFormat.UserPicture Method

Excel Developer Reference

Fills the specified shape with an image.


expression.UserPicture(PictureFile, PictureFormat, PictureStackUnit, PicturePlacement)

expression   A variable that represents a ChartFillFormat object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
PictureFile Optional Variant The filename of the image.
PictureFormat Optional Variant An XlChartPictureType value that indicates the format of the picture.
PictureStackUnit Optional Variant A Double value that specifies the picture stack or scale unit (depends on the PictureFormat argument).
PicturePlacement Optional Variant An XlChartPicturePlacement value that indicates the placement of the picture.


This example sets the fill format for chart two.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Charts(2).ChartArea.Fill.UserPicture "brick.gif"