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ConnectorFormat.EndConnected Property

Excel Developer Reference

msoTrue if the end of the specified connector is connected to a shape. Read-only MsoTriState.



expression   A variable that represents a ConnectorFormat object.


MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
msoCTrue. Does not apply to this property.
msoFalse . The end of the specified connector is not connected to a shape.
msoTriStateMixed . Does not apply to this property.
msoTriStateToggle. Does not apply to this property.
msoTrue. The end of the specified connector is connected to a shape.


If the end of the connector represented by shape three on myDocument is connected to a shape, this example stores the connection site number in the variable oldEndConnSite, stores a reference to the connected shape in the object variable oldEndConnShape, and then disconnects the end of the connector from the shape.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Set myDocument = Worksheets(1)
With myDocument.Shapes(3)
    If .Connector Then
        With .ConnectorFormat
            If .EndConnected Then
                oldEndConnSite = .EndConnectionSite
                Set oldEndConnShape = .EndConnectedShape
            End If
        End With
    End If
End With

See Also