Vector3 Structure

Defines a vector.

  public struct Vector3

Public Instance Constructors

Constructor Description
Vector3 Initializes a new instance of the Vector3 structure.

Public Operators

Operator Description
Addition Combines two Vector3 structures.
Division Divides a Vector3 structure by another structure, or by a scalar value.
Equality Tests whether two specified Vector3 structures are equivalent.
Inequality Tests whether two Vector3 structures are different.
Multiply Multiplies a Vector3 structure by another Vector3 structure, or by a scalar value.
Subtraction Subtracts one Vector3 structure from another.

Public Static Methods

Method Description
Add Combines two Vector3 structures.
Divide Divides a Vector3 structure by another structure, or by a scalar value.
Multiply Multiplies a Vector3 structure by another Vector3 structure, or by a scalar value.
Subtract Subtracts one Vector3 structure from another.

Public Instance Methods

Method Description
Equals Tests whether the specified object is a Vector3 structure and is equivalent to the current Vector3 structure.
GetHashCode Returns a hash code for this structure.
ToString Converts this structure to a human-readable string.

Public Static Fields

Field Description
UnitVector Represents a unit vector.
Zero Represents a zero vector.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
X Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the vector.
Y Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the vector.
Z Gets or sets the z-coordinate of the vector.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.dll

Platform: Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and later

See Also