Command Class

Represents a ModelItem object that can be invoked.

  public class Command : ModelItem, ICommand, IModelItem, IPropertyObject, IModelItemOwner

Public Instance Constructors

Constructor Description
Command() Initializes a new instance of the Command class.
Command(IModelItemOwner) Initializes a new instance of the Command class.
Command(IModelItemOwner, EventHandler) Initializes a new instance of the Command class.
Command(IModelItemOwner, string, EventHandler) Initializes a new instance of the Command class.

Public Instance Methods

Method Description
OnInvoked Notifies derived classes when the command is invoked.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
Available Gets or sets a value indicating whether the command is available.

Public Instance Events

Event Description
Invoked Raised when the ModelItem object is invoked.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.dll

Platform: Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and later

See Also