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Error.Ignore Property

Excel Developer Reference

Allows the user to set or return the state of an error checking option for a range. False enables an error checking option for a range. True disables an error checking option for a range. Read/write Boolean.



expression   A variable that represents an Error object.


Reference the ErrorCheckingOptions object to view a list of index values associated with error checking options.


This example disables the ignore flag in cell A1 for checking empty cell references.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub IgnoreChecking()

' Determine if empty cell references error checking is on, if not turn it on.
If Application.Range("A1").Errors(xlEmptyCellReferences).<strong>Ignore</strong> = True Then
    Application.Range("A1").Errors(xlEmptyCellReferences).<strong>Ignore</strong> = False
    MsgBox "Empty cell references error checking has been enabled for cell A1."
    MsgBox "Empty cell references error checking is already enabled for cell A1."
End If

End Sub

See Also