JoystickState Structure (Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput)

Describes the state of a joystick device. This structure is used with the Inputdevice9Getdevicestate method.


Visual Basic Public Structure JoystickState
C# public struct JoystickState 
C++ public value class JoystickState sealed 
JScript In JScript, you can use structures, but you cannot define your own.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
GetASlider Extra axis accelerations.
GetButtons Array of buttons. The high-order bit of the byte is set if the corresponding button is down, and clear if the button is up or does not exist.
GetFSlider Extra axis forces.
GetPointOfView Direction controllers, such as point-of-view hats. The position is indicated in hundredths of a degree clockwise from north (away from the user). The center position is normally reported as -1; but see Remarks. For indicators that have only five positions, the value for a controller is -1, 0, 9,000, 18,000, or 27,000.
GetSlider Two additional axes, formerly called the u-axis and v-axis, whose semantics depend on the joystick. Use the Inputdevice9Getobjectinfo method to obtain semantic information about these values.
GetVSlider Extra axis velocities.
JoystickState Initializes a new instance of the object.
ToString Obtains a string representation of the current instance.


Property Description
ARx X-axis angular acceleration.
ARy Y-axis angular acceleration.
ARz Z-axis angular acceleration.
AX X-axis acceleration.
AY Y-axis acceleration.
AZ Z-axis acceleration.
FRx X-axis torque.
FRy Y-axis torque.
FRz Z-axis torque.
FX X-axis force.
FY Y-axis force.
FZ Z-axis force.
Rx X-axis rotation. If the joystick does not have this axis, the value is 0.
Ry Y-axis rotation. If the joystick does not have this axis, the value is 0.
Rz Z-axis rotation (often called the rudder). If the joystick does not have this axis, the value is 0.
VRx X-axis angular velocity.
VRy Y-axis angular velocity.
VRz Z-axis angular velocity.
VX X-axis velocity.
VY Y-axis velocity.
VZ Z-axis velocity.
X X-axis, usually the left-right movement of a stick.
Y Y-axis, usually the forward-backward movement of a stick.
Z Z-axis, often the throttle control. If the joystick does not have this axis, the value is 0.

Structure Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput (microsoft.directx.directinput.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492