2.2.20 jcidOutlineNode

Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2009/internal/specific

Referenced by: ElementChildNodesOfPage, ElementChildNodesOfTitle

The jcidOutlineNode structure specifies the properties of an outline (section The value of the JCID element, as specified in [MS-ONESTORE], for this property set is "0x0006000C".

Child Elements:

LastModifiedTime: A LastModifiedTime element (section 2.3.67) that specifies when the outline was last changed.

ElementChildNodes: An ElementChildNodesOfOutline element (section 2.2.51) that specifies the child nodes of the outline.

EnforceOutlineStructure: An EnforceOutlineStructure element (section 2.3.38) that specifies whether the outline has a strict indentation structure. This value MUST be true if the value of the IsTitleText element (section 2.3.41) is true.

OutlineElementChildLevel: An OutlineElementChildLevel element (section 2.3.8) that specifies the indentation level of child nodes of the outline.

LayoutMaxHeight: A LayoutMaxHeightInOutline element (section 2.3.24) that specifies the maximum height of the outline. 

LayoutOutlineReservedWidth: A LayoutOutlineReservedWidth element (section 2.3.46) that specifies the suggested maximum width of the outline before text in the outline wraps. This value MUST NOT be set if text in the outline is already wrapping.

IsLayoutSizeSetByUser: An IsLayoutSizeSetByUser element (section 2.3.44) that specifies whether the value of the LayoutMaxWidth element (section 2.3.21) of the outline was set explicitly by the user.

ListSpacingMu: A ListSpacingMu element (section 2.3.45) that specifies the horizontal distance between a list bullet or number and the text that is associated with that bullet or number.

RgOutlineIndentDistance: A RgOutlineIndentDistance element (section 2.2.2) that specifies the indentation of each level in the outline.

BodyTextAlignment: A BodyTextAlignment element (section 2.3.17) that specifies the alignment of body text in the outline.

LayoutAlignmentInParent: A LayoutAlignmentInParent element (section 2.3.27) that specifies the alignment of the outline.

LayoutAlignmentSelf: A LayoutAlignmentSelf element (section 2.3.33) that specifies the alignment of both the outline and all of the outline elements within it.

IsConflictObjectForRender: An IsConflictObjectForRender element (section 2.3.70) that specifies whether the outline is displayed as a conflict object (section 2.1.1).

IsConflictObjectForSelection: An IsConflictObjectForSelection element (section 2.3.72) that specifies whether the outline is a conflict object (section 2.1.1) that can be selected.

Deletable: A Deletable element (section 2.3.57) that specifies whether the outline can be deleted. MUST be set if IsTitleDate is set to true; otherwise, MUST NOT be set.

LayoutTightLayout: A LayoutTightLayout element (section 2.3.5) that specifies whether the size of the outline is intended to increase when a user interacts with it.

IsTitleDate: An IsTitleDate element (section 2.3.42) that specifies whether the outline contains the date that is associated with the page title (section 2.1.16).

CannotBeSelected: A CannotBeSelected element (section 2.3.40) that specifies whether the outline can be selected.

IsTitleText: An IsTitleText element (section 2.3.41) that specifies whether the outline contains the text of the page title (section 2.1.16).

DescendantsCannotBeMoved: A DescendantsCannotBeMoved element (section 2.3.51) that specifies whether descendants of the outline can be moved.

LayoutMinimumOutlineWidth: A LayoutMinimumOutlineWidth element (section 2.3.49) that specifies the minimum permissible width of the outline.

OffsetFromParentHoriz: An OffsetFromParentHoriz element (section 2.3.18) that specifies the horizontal offset between the outline and the page origin (section 2.3.59).

OffsetFromParentVert: An OffsetFromParentVert element (section 2.3.19) that specifies the vertical offset between the outline and the page origin (section 2.3.60).

LayoutMaxWidth: A LayoutMaxWidthInOutline element (section 2.3.22) that specifies the maximum width of the outline.

LayoutTightAlignment: A LayoutTightAlignment element (section 2.3.54) that specifies whether the outline is aligned tightly. This value MUST be true if the value of the IsTitleText element is true.

IsReadOnly: An IsReadOnly element (section 2.3.48) that specifies whether the outline is read-only.