Compiler Error C2864

'variable' : only static const integral data members can be initialized within a class

You attempted to initialize a data member that was not defined as const and static.

The following sample generates C2864:

// C2864.cpp
class B  {
   int i = 3;   // C2864; 
   static const int i = 3;   // OK

The following sample generates C2864:

// C2864b.cpp
// compile with: /c
#include <stdio.h>
class BaseCls {
   int Z;

class DervCls : public BaseCls {
   char Z;

class UseClasses {
   BaseCls * BObj = new DervCls;   // C2864
   DervCls * DObj = new DervCls;   // C2864 
   // Uncomment the following 2 lines to resolve.
   // BaseCls * BObj;// = new DervCls;
   // DervCls * DObj;// = new DervCls;

   void ShowZ() {
      // Uncomment the following 2 lines to resolve.
      // BObj = new DervCls;
      // DObj = new DervCls;
      printf("Accessed via base class: %d", BObj->Z);
      printf("Accessed via derived class: %c", DObj->Z);