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The ADSI NWCOMPAT provider implements the following COM objects that support various ADSI interfaces.

ADSI object Description Supported interfaces
Class An ADSI object represents a class definition of the schema. IADs IADsClass
Computer An ADSI object represents a computer on the network. IADs IADsComputer IADsComputerOperations IADsContainer IADsPropertyList
FileService An ADSI object represents a file service. IADs IADsFileService IADsFileServiceOperations IADsContainer IADsPropertyList
FileShare An ADSI object represents a file share on the network. IADs IADsFileShare IADsPropertyList
Group An ADSI object represents a group account. IADs IADsGroup IADsPropertyList
GroupCollection An ADSI object represents a collection of groups. IADs IADsMembers
JobCollection An ADSI object represents a collection of print jobs. IADs IADsCollection
Namespace An ADSI objects represents the namespace of the directory. IADs IADsContainer
PrintJob An ADSI object represents a print job. IADs IADsPrintJob IADsPrintJobOperations IADsPropertyList
PrintQueue An ADSI object represents a print queue. IADs IADsPrintQueue IADsPrintQueueOperations IADsPropertyList
Property An ADSI object represents an attribute definition of the schema. IADs IADsProperty
Schema An ADSI object represents the schema container of the provider. IADs IADsContainer
Syntax An ADSI object represents the syntax of an attribute. IADs IADsSyntax
User An ADSI object represents a user account. IADs IADsUser IADsPropertyList
UserCollection An ADSI object represents a collection of users. IADs IADsMembers