Suffix [$=] Attribute Selector New for Windows Internet Explorer 7

Matches the specified suffix of an attribute value.


HTML [att$=val] { sRules }
Scripting N/A

Possible Values

att Must be either an Identifier or a String.
val Must be either an Identifier or a String.
sRules String that specifies one or more Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) attribute/value pairs.


This selector is available as of Internet Explorer 7.

Attribute selectors are enabled only in standards-compliant mode (strict !DOCTYPE).

Attributes are case-sensitive.


The following style rule selects any attribute whose value ends with "n."

    .test       { display:none; }
    [attr$="n"] { display:block; }

<div class="test" attr="Green">Test for [$=] (Suffix) succeeded.</div>

Standards Information

This selector is defined in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Level 3 (CSS3).

See Also

Class Selector, Equality [=] Attribute Selector, Existence [] Attribute Selector, Hyphen [|=] Attribute Selector, ID Selector, Prefix [^=] Attribute Selector, Substring [*=] Attribute Selector, Type Selector, Universal (*) Selector, Whitespace [~=] Attribute Selector