IHTMLTable::cellPadding Property

Sets or retrieves the amount of space between the border of the cell and the content of the cell.


HRESULT IHTMLTable::get_cellPadding(VARIANT *p);
HRESULT IHTMLTable::put_cellPadding(VARIANT v);


  • p
    Pointer to a variable of type VARIANT of type VT_I4 or VT_BSTR that receives one of the values listed in Possible Values.
  • v
    VARIANT of type VT_I4 or VT_BSTR that specifies one of the values listed in Possible Values.

Possible Values

padding Integer that specifies the amount of space between the border and the content, in pixels.
percentage Integer, followed by a %. The value is a percentage of the available amount of space between the border and the content.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.

See Also
