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ObjectList Class

Enables you to specify multiple fields for display, per item in an object list.

public class System.Web.UI.MobileControls.ObjectList : 


Much of the behavior of the ObjectList control, including support for templated rendering through device template sets and internal pagination, is similar to the behavior of the List class. For more information, see the Template Sets and Templated Controls or the Pagination documentation.


This example shows how to create an array of a user-defined class and then bind it to an ObjectList object when the page loads.

<%@ Page Inherits= "System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage"
    Language="VB" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="mobile"
    Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>

<script language="vb" runat="server">

Public Class GroceryItem
   private _department, _item, _status As String

   Public Sub New( department As String, item As String, status As String)
      _department = department
      _item = item
      _status = status
   End Sub

   Public ReadOnly Property Department as String
         Return _department
      End Get
   End Property
   Public ReadOnly Property Item as String
         Return _item
      End Get
   End Property
   Public ReadOnly Property Status as String
         Return _status
      End Get
   End Property
End Class

Public Sub Page_Load(o As Object, e As EventArgs)
   If Not IsPostBack Then
      Dim arr As New ArrayList()
      arr.Add (New GroceryItem ("Bakery", "French Rolls", "On Sale"))
      arr.Add (New GroceryItem ("Dairy", "Eggnog", "Half price"))
      arr.Add (New GroceryItem ("Produce", "Apples", "A dollar a bushel"))
      List1.DataSource = arr
   End If
End Sub

Public Sub List1_Click(sender As Object, e As ObjectListCommandEventArgs)
   If e.CommandName = "Reserve" Then
      ActiveForm = Form2
   ElseIf e.CommandName = "Buy"
      ActiveForm = Form3
      ActiveForm = Form4
   End If
End Sub


<mobile:Form id="Form1" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue">
   <mobile:ObjectList id="List1" runat="server"
      <Command Name="Reserve" Text="Reserve"/>
      <Command Name="Buy" Text="Buy"/>

<mobile:Form id="Form2" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue">
   <mobile:Label id="ResLabel" runat="server"
        text="Sale item reservation system coming soon!" />
   <mobile:Link id="ResLink" NavigateURL="#Form1" runat="server" text="Return" />

<mobile:Form id="Form3" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue">
   <mobile:Label id="BuyLabel" runat="server"
        text="Online purchasing system coming soon!" />
   <mobile:Link id="BuyLink" NavigateURL="#Form1" runat="server" text="Return" />

<mobile:Form id="Form4" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue">
   <mobile:Label id="DefLabel" runat="server"
        text="Detailed descriptions of the items will be here soon!" />
   <mobile:Link id="DefLink" NavigateURL="#Form1" runat="server" text="Return" />
<%@ Page Inherits= "System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage"
    Language="C#" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="mobile"
    Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>

<script language="c#" runat="server">

class GroceryItem
   private String _department, _item, _status;

   public GroceryItem(string department, string item, string status)
      _department = department;
      _item = item;
      _status = status;

   public String Department { get { return _department; } }
   public String Item { get { return _item; } }
   public String Status { get { return _status; } }

public void Page_Load(Object o, EventArgs e)
   if (!IsPostBack)
      ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
      arr.Add (new GroceryItem ("Bakery", "French Rolls", "On Sale"));
      arr.Add (new GroceryItem ("Dairy", "Eggnog", "Half price"));
      arr.Add (new GroceryItem ("Produce", "Apples", "A dollar a bushel"));
      List1.DataSource = arr;
      List1.DataBind ();

public void List1_Click(Object sender, ObjectListCommandEventArgs e)
   if (e.CommandName == "Reserve")
      ActiveForm = Form2;
   else if (e.CommandName == "Buy")
      ActiveForm = Form3;
      ActiveForm = Form4;


<mobile:Form id="Form1" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue">
   <mobile:ObjectList id="List1" runat="server"
      <Command Name="Reserve" Text="Reserve"/>
      <Command Name="Buy" Text="Buy"/>

<mobile:Form id="Form2" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue">
   <mobile:Label id="ResLabel" runat="server"
        text="Sale item reservation system coming soon!" />
   <mobile:Link id="ResLink" NavigateURL="#Form1" runat="server" text="Return" />

<mobile:Form id="Form3" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue">
   <mobile:Label id="BuyLabel" runat="server"
        text="Online purchasing system coming soon!" />
   <mobile:Link id="BuyLink" NavigateURL="#Form1" runat="server" text="Return" />

<mobile:Form id="Form4" runat="server" BackColor="LightBlue">
   <mobile:Label id="DefLabel" runat="server"
        text="Detailed descriptions of the items will be here soon!" />
   <mobile:Link id="DefLink" NavigateURL="#Form1" runat="server" text="Return" />


Namespace: System.Web.UI.MobileControls

Assembly: System.Web.Mobile

See Also

ObjectList Control | Accessing Data