Device Update Agent Script Conventions

The Device Update Script must be created by using specific guidelines. The following lists show the rules to follow when you type characters into a source or input file:

  • Lexical conventions:

    Follow these character set guidelines when you write a script for DUA:

    • Encoding

      All source files must be encoded using ASCII.

    • White space

      The blank, horizontal tab, new line, carriage return, form feed, and vertical tab formatting characters are collectively known as white-space characters. Use these characters to format the source file layout for visual clarity.

    • Line termination

      The new line, carriage return, form feed and vertical tab characters cause line-termination. The character following the line-termination is considered the first character of the next line.

      Do not exceed 4096 characters on a command line.

  • Comments

    Begin a comment line in the source file with the characters '//'. Type the same characters at the end of each line.

  • Tokens

    The characters that constitute the source file are collected into lexical tokens. Adjacent tokens can be separated by white space or comments.

  • Constants

    Constants can be numeric or string constants. The following list shows the constants:

    • A numeric constant is a decimal integer value.

    • A string constant is a sequence of characters. A string constant can be empty. If a white-space character is significant in the context of the command, enclose it in double quotation marks.

    • The Device Update Agent script compiler supports the use of named constants. Named constants are specified within the command set reference. Parameters that are specified as both a name and as a value can be scripted by using the named constant.

      For additional information about constants, see Constants.

    • You can use the bitwise OR operator (|) when expressing constants. This is useful for combining bit flags in a constant expression.

  • Command lines

    A command line holds a single command. End-of-line markers separate commands. Each command line starts with a command, followed by one or more parameters separated by commas.

    If a numeric command argument is not specified, the default value is used if a default value is specified; otherwise, zero is used.

    If a non-numeric value is specified, where a numeric argument is expected, zero will be used.

See Also

Device Update Script

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.