Connection Manager API Functions

This section provides detailed information about the Windows Mobile-based Connection Manager API functions described in the following table.

Function Description
ConnMgrApiReadyEvent Returns a handle to an event, which is signaled when Connection Manager is ready to use.
ConnMgrConnectionStatus Returns the status of the current connection.
ConnMgrEnumDestinations Enumerates the list of the available networks.
ConnMgrEstablishConnection Creates a connection request.
ConnMgrEstablishConnectionSync Creates a connection request but returns information only after the connection has been established or has failed.
ConnMgrMapURL Maps a URL to the destination globally unique identifier (GUID) of the network to which the device will connect.
ConnMgrProviderMessage Provides the means to exchange information with planners and providers.
ConnMgrRegisterScheduledConnection Registers a scheduled connection, which remains active even after rebooting the device.
ConnMgrReleaseConnection Deletes the specified connection request, which could drop the physical connection.
ConnMgrSetConnectionPriority Changes the priority of the current connection.
ConnMgrUnregisterScheduledConnection Unregisters a scheduled connection.

See Also

Connection Manager

Connection Manager API Structures

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