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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPStringCollection2::getAttributeCountByType 

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The getAttributeCountByType method retrieves the number of attributes associated with the specified string collection index, attribute name, and language.


  HRESULT getAttributeCountByType(
  long  lCollectionIndex,
  BSTR  bstrType,
  BSTR  bstrLanguage,
  long*  plCount



[in]  A long specifying the zero-based index of the string collection item from which to get the attribute.


[in]  BSTR containing the name of the attribute.


[in]  BSTR containing the language. If the value is set to null or "" (empty string), the current locale string is used. Otherwise, the value must be a valid RFC 1766 language string such as "en-us".


[out]  Pointer to a long that receives the count.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


This method is used to determine the number of attributes corresponding to a particular attribute name for a given StringCollection item. Index numbers can then be passed to the fourth parameter of the getItemInfoByType method.

To use this method, read access to the library is required. For more information, see Library Access.

Windows Media Player 10 Mobile: This method is not supported.


Version: Windows Media Player 11.

Header: Include wmp.h.

Library: Use wmp.dll.

See Also

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