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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPCdrom::get_playlist 

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The get_playlist method retrieves a pointer to an IWMPPlaylist interface representing the tracks on the CD currently in the CD drive or the root-level title entries for a DVD.





[out]  Pointer to a pointer to an IWMPPlaylist interface.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


Typically, DVD-based content organized into titles. Each title contains one or more chapters. Each DVD is authored differently, so how titles and chapters are used is up to the content author.

For a DVD, this method retrieves a playlist that contains as the first item a pointer to an IWMPMedia interface named "DVD". This interface represents the DVD media. Playing the item results in the DVD playing from the beginning if it is the first play after inserting a new DVD, or resuming playback if the DVD is the same as the last DVD viewed. Setting this item as the current item during playback results in the DVD playing from the beginning.

Additional items (IWMPMedia objects) in the playlist are DVD titles that are represented by nested playlists. When you specify a value for the IWMPControls::put_currentItem method to equal one of these nested playlist items, Windows Media Player automatically sets the nested playlist as the current playlist after chapter playback begins. You can then use the IWMPPlaylist interface methods and associated events to work with DVD chapters, which are also playlist items.

To retrieve the value of this property, read access to the library is required. For more information, see Library Access.

Windows Media Player 10 Mobile: This method is not supported.


Version: Windows Media Player 9 Series or later.

Header: Include wmp.h.

Library: Use wmp.dll.

Platform: Windows XP or later for DVD.

See Also

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