.NET Samples - ASP.NET Web Forms Business Objects

This section includes the following samples:

ThreeTier Sample

TwoTier Sample

HelloObj Sample

ThreeTier Sample

This sample defines two business objects: one that accesses an SQL database and another that defines business rules. These objects are used from a simple three-tiered ASP.NET Web application.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Data; System.Data.SqlClient

Classes used in this sample:

String; DataView; DataSet; DataAdapter; SqlConnection; SqlDataAdapter; Image; Binder; Page; DataBinder; Container; DataList; Object; EventArgs; Font; Table; RegularExpressionValidator; Path; DropDownList; Button; ImageButton; Url; Import; Header; TextBox; Control; Form

TwoTier Sample

This sample defines a simple business object that accesses an SQL database and uses it from a two-tiered ASP.NET Web application.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Data; System.Data.SqlClient

Classes used in this sample:

String; Image; DataAdapter; SqlDataAdapter; DataSet; SqlConnection; Container; Binder; DataBinder; Object; EventArgs; Table; DataList; Path; DataView; Button; DropDownList; Page; Form; ImageButton; Header; Import; Url

HelloObj Sample

This sample demonstrates how to make a very simple compiled object available to an ASP.NET Web application.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Text

Classes used in this sample:

String; Message; Object; StringBuilder; Page; Component; EventArgs; Import