.NET Samples - ASP.NET Web Applications

This section includes the following samples:

Application2 Sample

SimpleHandler Sample

Cookies1 Sample

Cookies2 Sample

Session1 Sample

Application1 Sample

PageState1 Sample

Application2 Sample

This sample illustrates the use of application state to read a dataset in Application_Start.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System.Data; System

Classes used in this sample:

DataGrid; Table; DataView; Font; Application; Control; Header; Object; Style; PlaceHolder; Page; LiteralControl; Literal; Import; EventArgs

SimpleHandler Sample

This sample shows how ASP.NET provides a low-level request/response API that enables developers to use .NET Framework classes to service incoming HTTP requests. Developers accomplish this by authoring classes that support the System.Web.IHTTPHandler interface and implement the ProcessRequest method. Handlers are often useful when the services provided by the high-level ASP.NET page framework abstraction are not required for processing the HTTP request. Common uses of handlers include filters and CGI-like applications, especially those that return binary data. This sample implements a very simple handler that processes all requests to SimpleHandler.aspx.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System.Web; System

Classes used in this sample:

HttpContext; Process; Context

Cookies1 Sample

This sample illustrates the use of per-session client-side cookies to store volatile user preferences.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

Font; Style; Cookie; String; HttpCookie; Page; Object; EventArgs; Header

Cookies2 Sample

This sample illustrates the use of persistent client-side cookies to store volatile user preferences.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

Font; Style; Cookie; String; HttpCookie; Page; Object; EventArgs; Header

Session1 Sample

This sample illustrates the use of session state to store volatile user preferences.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

Font; Style; String; Page; EventArgs; Object; Header

Application1 Sample

This sample illustrates the lifetime of the Application, Session, and Request properties by intercepting appropriate events in the Global.asax file for the application.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

Page; Object; EventArgs; Exception

PageState1 Sample

This sample illustrates the use of the ViewState property to store request-specific values.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

Panel; String; Label; ListItem; Control; Type; Object; EventArgs; DropDownList; Page