.NET Samples - ASP.NET Sample Applications

This section includes the following samples:

GrocerToGo Sample

ClassBrowser Sample

Portal Application Sample

GrocerToGo Sample

This sample application is a mock-up of a typical e-commerce storefront. The application shows the most common elements of the following types of applications: a product browser, a session-based shopping cart, product details, and so forth. A SQL Server database is used to store the product data, and the DataList and Repeater controls render this data. The data access portion of the application is implemented as a managed component.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Data; System.Data.SqlClient; System.Collections

Classes used in this sample:

String; Container; DataBinder; Binder; Image; DataAdapter; EventArgs; SqlDataAdapter; DataSet; Url; Object; SqlConnection; Table; DataRow; Form; Path; ImageClickEventArgs; Page; DataTable; Import; Hashtable; Header; Hash; HtmlInputText; Exception; Control; Panel

ClassBrowser Sample

This sample application implements a .NET Framework-based class browser, using the System.Reflection APIs to gather information about a class. To simplify the .aspx code, the application employs a managed component that encapsulates the reflection details. The .aspx page itself relies heavily on several DataList controls for rendering the namespaces, classes, and class details. The sample also shows the use of nested DataList controls for rendering the parameter lists.

Namespaces used in this sample:

System; System.Reflection; System.Collections; System.Web; System.Collections.Specialized; System.Web.UI

Classes used in this sample:

Type; Table; Array; Container; Assembly; String; ArrayList; DataList; Header; Url; Module; HyperLink; Hash; Pointer; Hashtable; Style; Panel; Types; Import; EventHandler; ParameterInfo; Object; NameValueCollection; Page; Font; FieldInfo; Context; EventArgs; PropertyInfo; MethodInfo; EventInfo; Debug; Literal; ConstructorInfo

Portal Application Sample

This sample illustrates a personalized portal home page application. The application allows users to customize a home page to show various modules of their choosing, such as a site directory or favorite links list. Each module is implemented as a user control, which is dynamically added to the home page if the user has chosen to include it.

Namespaces used in this sample:


Classes used in this sample:

Page; Module; Panel; PlaceHolder; Label; Port