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CInternetSession Class Members


CInternetSession Constructs a CInternetSession object.


QueryOption Provides possible asserts for error checking.
SetOption Sets options for the Internet session.
OpenURL Parses and opens a URL.
GetFtpConnection Opens an FTP session with a server. Logs on the user.
GetHttpConnection Opens an HTTP server for an application that is trying to open a connection.
GetGopherConnection Opens a gopher server for an application that is trying to open a connection.
EnableStatusCallback Establishes a status callback routine. EnableStatusCallback is required for asynchronous operations.
ServiceTypeFromHandle Gets the type of service from the Internet handle.


GetContext Gets the context value for an Internet or application session.
Close Closes the Internet connection when the Internet session is terminated.
SetCookie Sets a cookie for the specified URL.
GetCookie Returns cookies for the specified URL and all its parent URLs.
GetCookieLength Retrieves the variable specifying the length of the cookie stored in the buffer.
OnStatusCallback Updates the status of an operation when status callback is enabled.
operator HINTERNET A handle to the current Internet session.

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