DrawCircularArc Method [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Creates a new shape whose path consists of a circular arc defined by its center, radius, and start and end angles.

objRet = object.DrawCircularArc(xCenter, yCenter, Radius, [StartAngle], [EndAngle])

objRet    The new Shape object.

object   Required. An expression that returns a Master, Page, or Shape object in which to draw the new shape.

xCenter    Required Double. The x-coordinate of the center of the arc.

yCenter    Required Double. The y-coordinate of the center of the arc.

Radius    Required Double. The radius of the arc.

StartAngle    Optional Double. The angle in radians with respect to the x-axis at which to start drawing the arc. The default is 0.

EndAngle    Optional Double. The angle in radians with respect to the x-axis at which to end the arc. The default is pi (3.14592634898).

Version added



By default, DrawCircularArc draws a 180-degree arc on the drawing page.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the DrawCircularArc method to draw an arc on the drawing page.

Public Sub DrawCircularArc_Example

    Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape
    Set vsoShape = ActivePage.DrawCircularArc(3, 3, 3)

End Sub

Applies to | Master object | Page object | Shape object

See Also | DrawArcByThreePoints method | DrawBezier method | DrawCircularArc method | DrawLine method | DrawNURBS Method | DrawOval method | DrawPolyline method | DrawQuarterArc method | DrawRectangle method | DrawRegion method | DrawSpline method