InsertLines Method [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference]

The InsertLines method inserts a line or group of lines of code in a standard module or a class module.

expression.InsertLines(Line, String)

expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Line  Required Long. The number of the line at which to begin inserting.

String  Required String. The text to be inserted into the module.


When you use the InsertLines method, any existing code at the line specified by the line argument moves down.

To add multiple lines, include the intrinsic constant vbCrLf at the desired line breaks within the string that makes up the string argument. This constant forces a carriage return and line feed.

Lines in a module are numbered beginning with one. To determine the number of lines in a module, use the CountOfLines property.


The following example creates a new form, adds a command button, and creates a Click event procedure for the command button:

Function ClickEventProc() As Boolean
    Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control, mdl As Module
    Dim lngReturn As Long

    On Error GoTo Error_ClickEventProc
    ' Create new form.
    Set frm = CreateForm
    ' Create command button on form.
    Set ctl = CreateControl(frm.Name, acCommandButton, , , , _
         1000, 1000)
    ctl.Caption = "Click here"
    ' Return reference to form module.
    Set mdl = frm.Module
    ' Add event procedure.
    lngReturn = mdl.CreateEventProc("Click", ctl.Name)
    ' Insert text into body of procedure.
    mdl.InsertLines lngReturn + 1, vbTab & "MsgBox ""Way cool!"""
    ClickEventProc = True

    Exit Function

    MsgBox Err & " :" & Err.Description
    ClickEventProc = False
    Resume Exit_ClickEventProc
End Function

Applies to | Module Object

See Also | CountOfLines Property | CreateEventProc Method | DeleteLines Method