IHTMLFrontPageBotElement Object


Represents a component in Microsoft FrontPage. See also the FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement and IHTMLFrontPageBotElement2 Object objects.

Using the IHTMLFrontPageBotElement object

FrontPage provides the ability to get, remove, and set attributes for FrontPage components. The following example illustrate accessing the getBotAttribute, removeBotAttribute, and setBotAttribute methods.

Private Sub AccessBots()
    Dim objFPBot As IHTMLFrontPageBotElement
    Dim objBody As FPHTMLBody
    Dim strBot As String
    Dim objPage As PageWindow

    strBot = ""
    strBot = strBot & "<!—webbot bot=""Search"" s-index=""All"""
    strBot = strBot & " s-fields s-text=""Search for:"""
    strBot = strBot & " i-size=""20"" s-submit=""Start Search"""
    strBot = strBot & " s-clear=""Reset"" s-timestampformat=""%m/%d/%y"""
    strBot = strBot & " tag=""BODY"" -->"
    Set objBody = ActivePageWindow.Document.body
    Set objPage = ActivePageWindow
    Call objBody.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", _
    Set objFPBot = _
    MsgBox objFPBot.getBotAttribute("s-submit")
    objFPBot.setBotAttribute "s-submit", "new item"
    MsgBox objFPBot.getBotAttribute("s-submit")
    objFPBot.removeBotAttribute "s-submit"
    MsgBox objFPBot.getBotAttribute("s-submit")
End Sub

Methods | getBotAttribute Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects