fontVariant Property

Sets or returns a String that represents whether the text of the object displays normally or in small capital letters.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


String that specifies one of the following values:

normal Font is normal. Default.
small-caps Font is in small capital letters.


This example inserts a new paragraph containing the current user's name into the active document, and then formats the font characteristics.

Sub FontFaceSource()
    Dim objPara As FPHTMLParaElement

    ActiveDocument.body.insertAdjacentHTML where:="beforeend", _
            HTML:="<p id=""username"">" & Application.UserName & "</p>"

    Set objPara = ActiveDocument.body.all.tags("p").Item("username")

    With objPara.Style
        .fontFamily = "Tahoma"
        .FONTSIZE = "40pt"
        .fontStyle = Italic
        .fontVariant = "small-caps"
        .fontWeight = "bold"
    End With
End Sub

Applies to | FPHTMLStyle Object | IFPStyleState Object | IHTMLRuleStyle Object | IHTMLStyle Object