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ManySide Property

ManySide property as it applies to the PageRelatedField object.

Returns a PageField object that represents the field corresponding to the page row source on the many side of the specified one-to-many relationship.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a PageRelatedField object.

ManySide property as it applies to the PageRelationship object.

Returns a PageRowsource object that represents the page row source on the many side of the specified one-to-many relationship.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a PageRelationship object.

ManySide property as it applies to the SchemaRelatedField and SchemaRelationship objects.

Returns the name of the schema field or schema row source on the many side of the specified one-to-many relationship. Read-only String.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

Applies to | PageRelatedField Object | PageRelationship Object | SchemaRelatedField Object | SchemaRelationship Object

See Also | OneSide Property