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OpenReport Method

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The OpenReport method carries out the action in Visual Basic. For more information on how the action and its arguments work, see the action topic.


DoCmd.OpenReportreportname[, view][, filtername][, wherecondition]

The OpenReport method has the following arguments.

Argument Description
reportname A string expression that's the valid name of a report in the current database.
  If you execute Visual Basic code containing the OpenReport method in a library database, Microsoft Access looks for the report with this name first in the library database, then in the current database.
view One of the following intrinsic constants:
acViewNormal (default)
  acViewNormal prints the report immediately. If you leave this argument blank, the default constant (acViewNormal) is assumed.
filtername A string expression that's the valid name of a query in the current database.
wherecondition A string expression that's a valid SQL WHERE clause without the word WHERE.


The maximum length of the wherecondition argument is 32,768 characters (unlike the Where Condition action argument in the Macro window, whose maximum length is 256 characters).

You can leave an optional argument blank in the middle of the syntax, but you must include the argument's comma. If you leave one or more trailing arguments blank, don't use a comma following the last argument you specify.