NURBS function

NURBS function

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See also

Returns a nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS). This function is used in the E cell in the NURBSTo geometry rows.


NURBS(knotLast, degree, xType, yType, x1, y1, knot1, weight1, …)


The last knot.


The spline's degree.


Specifies how to interpret the x input data. If xType is 0, the input x-data is interpreted as a percentage of Width. If xType is 1, the input x-data is interpreted as a local coordinate.


Specifies how to interpret the y input data. If yType is 0, the input y-data is interpreted as a percentage of Height. If yType is 1, the input y-data is interpreted as a local coordinate. Specifies how to interpret the x and y input data, respectively. If xType or yType is 0, the input data is interpreted as a percentage of the height. If xType or yType is 1, the input data is interpreted as a local coordinate.


An x-coordinate.


A y-coordinate.


A knot on the B-spline.


A weight on the B-spline.


For every x argument, there must be a y argument, otherwise an error is returned.

You must specify an x, y, knot, and weight argument, otherwise an error is returned.