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Target Property [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Gets or sets the target of an event.

strRet = object**.Target**

object**.Target** = stringExpression

strRet     String. The current target.

object     Required. An expression that returns an Event object.

stringExpression     Required String. The target to set.

Version added



An event consists of an event-action pair. When the event occurs, the action is performed. An event also specifies the target of the action and arguments to send to the target.

If the action code of the event is visActCodeRunAddon, the Target property contains the name of the add-on to run.

If the action code of the event is visActCodeAdvise, the Target property is not available. Attempting to get or set the Target property for such an event causes an exception.

Applies to | Event object

See Also | Action property | Event property | EventInfo property | TargetArgs property