SHAPETEXT Function [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Retrieves the text from a shape.

SHAPETEXT (shapename!TheText,flag)

shapename!TheText A reference to the cell named TheText in the target shape. Shapename! is the name of the shape from which you want to retrieve the text.

flag Optional. A bit that specifies the format of the text. The default flag (0) shows the text exactly as it is shown in the shape.


You can use any combination of the following flags with the SHAPETEXT function.

Flag Description
0 Show text exactly as shown in shape.
1 Include discretionary hyphens.
2 Don't include expanded text in fields.
4 Convert tabs to a single space.
8 Convert tabs to a set of spaces.
16 Convert carriage returns and line feeds to spaces.
32 Convert typographer quotes to regular quotes.
64 Convert adjacent white space to a single space.

Example 1


Returns the text of the shape named sheetN, exactly as it is shown in the shape.

Example 2


Returns the text of the current shape exactly as it is shown in the shape.

Example 3

SHAPETEXT(theText, 84)

Returns the text of the current shape. It also converts adjacent white space to a single space (64), converts carriage returns and line feeds to spaces (16), and converts tabs to a single space (4). The sum of these flags is 84.