Font Property

Returns a ChFont, Font, or PivotFont object that represents the font for the specified object (the returned object type depends on the object to which this property is applied).


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example sets the number format and font for the active cell.

Sub SetFont()

   Dim rngCurrentCell

   Set rngCurrentCell = Spreadsheet1.ActiveCell

   rngCurrentCell.NumberFormat = "0.###"

   rngCurrentCell.Font.Color = "Blue"

   rngCurrentCell.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

End Sub

Applies to | ChAxis Object | ChChartDraw Object | ChDataLabel Object | ChDataLabels Object | ChLegend Object | ChLegendEntry Object | ChTitle Object | PivotLabel Object | Range Object | TitleBar Object

See Also | Bold Property | Italic Property | TotalFont Property