EndArrow cell (Line Format section)

EndArrow cell (Line Format section)

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See also�������� Section�������� Rows

Indicates whether a line has an arrowhead or other line end format at its last vertex.




No arrowhead.

1 - 45

Assorted arrowhead styles that correspond to indexed entries in the Line dialog box.


You can also set this value in the Line dialog box (click Line on the Format menu). The size of the arrowhead is set in the EndArrowSize cell.

You can specify a custom line end using the USE function in this cell.

To reference the EndArrow cell by name from another formula, or from a program using the Cells property, use:

Cell name:


To reference the EndArrow cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:

Section index:


Row index:


Cell index:
