Tips on setting action arguments in a macro

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After you add an action to a macro, you set the arguments for the action in the lower portion of the Macro window. These arguments give Microsoft Access additional information on how to carry out the action.

Here are some tips on setting action arguments:

  • You can type a value in an argument box, or in many cases you can select a setting from a list.

  • In general, it's a good idea to set action arguments in the order they're listed, because choices for one argument may determine those for arguments that follow.

  • If you add an action to your macro by dragging a database object from the Database window, Microsoft Access automatically sets appropriate arguments for that action.

  • If an action has an argument that calls for the name of a database object, you can set the argument and the corresponding object type argument automatically by dragging the object from the Database window to the argument box.

  • You can use an expression preceded by an equal sign (=) to set many action arguments.

  • For more information on setting a specific action argument, click the action argument and press F1.