TransformXYFrom method

TransformXYFrom method

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See also         Example         Applies to

Transforms a point expressed in the local coordinate system of one Shape object from an equivalent point expressed in the local coordinate system of another Shape object.

Version added



          OtherShape, x, y, xprime, yprime


Required. An expression that returns a Shape object whose local coordinate system you are transforming the point to.


Required. An expression that returns a Shape object whose local coordinate system you are transforming the point from.


Required Double; x-coordinate corresponding to x in the OtherShape coordinate system.


Required Double; y-coordinate corresponding to y in the OtherShape coordinate system.


Required Double; x-coordinate in coordinate system of object.


Required Double; y-coordinate in coordinate system of object.


The points x, y, xprime, and yprime are all treated as internal drawing units.

An exception is raised if object is not a Shape object of a Page or Master object, or if OtherShape is not in the same Page or Master object as object.