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About the Visio Managed Code Interop Tutorial

About the Visio Managed Code Interop Tutorial

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Welcome to the Microsoft® Visio® Managed Code Interop Tutorial. You can browse the lessons online or download the entire tutorial, which includes the lessons as well as the accompanying Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET projects, to your desktop.

This tutorial describes how to build a Visio solution written in Visual Basic .NET. It steps through the process and code required to create a Visio Component Object Model (COM) add-in in Visual Basic .NET, handles events, gathers input via a wizard interface to autogenerate a drawing, and enhances performance. Each lesson topic includes a Visual Basic .NET sample application that implements the topic functionality. Each lesson�s application can be compiled into a COM add-in that runs in Visio 2002. Each lesson's application demonstrates how to incrementally add the topic functionality for the lesson to the functionality in the previous lesson�s application.

This tutorial consists of documentation and Visual Basic .NET projects that support the topics described in the following lessons:

  • In this lesson we extend the COM add-in from Lesson 2: Event Handling to invoke a wizard that gathers user preferences for creating a simple flowchart. Through the wizard, the user can determine the number of flowchart shapes to draw and modify shape properties. We extend the
  • DocumentCreator
  • class from the previous lesson so that the COM add-in creates a
  • DocumentCreator
  • object using the wizard data.
  • Lesson 4: Performance
  • Instead of setting shape properties individually on the
  • Shape
  • object, resulting in two calls per property for each shape, you can use the Visio
  • SetFormulas
  • method to modify ShapeSheet® cells in a single call by specifying an array of values and cells.