BeginGroup property

BeginGroup property

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See also         Example         Applies to

Determines whether the menu item or toolbar item appears at the beginning of a group of items on the menu or toolbar.

Version added



          boolRet = object.BeginGroup
object.BeginGroup = boolVal


Boolean. True if the menu item or toolbar item is at the beginning of a group; otherwise, False.


Required. An expression that returns a MenuItem or ToolbarItem object.


Required Boolean. True to indicate that the menu item or toolbar item is the beginning of a group of items; otherwise, False.


If you set the BeginGroup property of a MenuItem or ToolbarItem object to True, a separator is inserted into the menu or a spacer is inserted into the toolbar preceding this item.

Note In Visio 2000, the only way to create a separator in a menu or a spacer in a toolbar was to add a dummy item with a CmdNum property of zero, a Caption property that contained "", and an empty MenuItems or ToolbarItems collection. This technique continues to work in Microsoft Visio 2002.