SQL Server Replication

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Replication is an important and powerful technology for distributing data and stored procedures across an enterprise. The replication technology in Microsoft SQL Server allows you to make duplicate copies of your data, move those copies to different locations, and automatically synchronize the data so that all copies have the same data values. Replication can be implemented between databases on the same server or between different servers connected by LANs, WANs, or the Internet.

The replication model used in SQL Server 7.0 continues to build on the "publish and subscribe" metaphor introduced by earlier versions of SQL Server. Replication in SQL Server 7.0 also supports:

  • Replication to heterogeneous databases. Databases that provide 32-bit ODBC drivers or OLE DB providers, such as Microsoft Access and Oracle, can be part of your replication design.

  • Programmatic interfaces for replicating data from heterogeneous databases.

For more information about SQL Server replication, see SQL Server Books Online. For information about synchronizing between an Access replicated database and SQL Server see "Synchronizing Changes with a Microsoft SQL Server Database" in JROReplication.doc in the ODETools\V9\Samples\OPG\Appendixes folder on the Office 2000 Developer CD-ROM.