Diagram Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The Diagram type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AbsoluteBoundingBox The bounding rectangle of the shape, measured relative to the Diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property AbsoluteBoundingBoxToEnsureVisible Gets the absolute bounding rectangle for DiagramClientView.EnsureVisible. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AbsoluteBounds A domain property that gets or sets the size and position of the bounding rectangle of the shape, measured relative to the top left of the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property AbsoluteCenter Gets the point in the center of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AccessibilityObject Gets the accessibility object for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AccessibleDefaultActionDescription Gets the default action description for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AccessibleDescription Gets the description for the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.AccessibleDescription.)
Public property AccessibleHelp Gets the Help for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AccessibleHelpTopicFileName Gets the Help topic for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AccessibleHelpTopicId Gets the ID of the Help topic for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AccessibleName Gets the name of the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.AccessibleName.)
Public property AccessibleRole Gets the role of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AccessibleState Gets the state of the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property AccessibleValue Gets the value of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property ActiveDiagramView Gets the active view for the diagram.
Public property AllowsChildrenInSelection If true, the children of this shape can be included in the current selection group. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property AllowsChildrenToResizeParent Gets the diagram and verifies whether it should be resized so that all elements in the diagram appear. (Overrides ShapeElement.AllowsChildrenToResizeParent.)
Public property AllowsChildrenToShrinkParent If true, this shape will reduce in size to fit around its children when they are re-sized or moved. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property Anchoring Describes how the shape should position and size itself as the parent shape moves and resizes. Alter the returned object as required. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property AnchorPointAction Gets the mouse action that is responsible for moving the endpoints of a link.
Public property AutoResizeParentOnBoundsChange Gets the child shape and verifies whether its parent shape should be resized when the absolute bounds for the child shape change. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property BackgroundBrushId Gets the ID of the brush that draws the background for the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.BackgroundBrushId.)
Public property BackgroundGradientMode Gets the gradient for the background of the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Protected property BaseFontFromEnvironment Gets the font to use as the base font.
Public property BaseFontName Gets or sets the name of the base font.
Public property BaseFontSize Gets or sets the size of the base font.
Public property BoundingBox Gets the bounding rectangle of the shape, measured relative to the ParentShape. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property Bounds A domain property that gets or sets the size and position of the bounding rectangle of the shape, measured relative to the top left of the ParentShape. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property BoundsRules Bounds rules constrain how the user can update the size and position of the bounding rectangle. Override to return a BoundsRules. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property CanDeserializationReroute Gets the diagram and verifies whether it allows rerouting during serialization.
Public property CanExpandAndCollapse Gets the shape and verifies whether a user can expand and collapse it. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property CanFocus Gets the shape and verifies whether it can receive the focus. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property CanMove Gets the diagram and verifies whether it can be moved. (Overrides ShapeElement.CanMove.)
Public property CanResize Gets the shape and verifies whether a user can resize it. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property CanSelect Gets the shape and verifies whether a user can select it. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property Center Gets the point in the center of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Protected property ClassStyleSet Gets the style set for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property ClientViews Gets the list of client views that are assigned to the diagram.
Public property ClipWhenDrawingFields Gets the child shape and verifies whether its clipping region should be set to the bounding box for the parent shape when the child shape is drawn. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property ConnectActionFilterString Gets the connect action for the diagram.
Public property ConnectionPoints A list of points on the perimeter of a shape at which connectors can terminate. By default, a shape has no connection points, and connectors can terminate anywhere on its perimeter. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public propertyStatic member CopyOrigin Gets the text that represents the original diagram that was copied.
Public property CreatableSwimLaneSubjects Gets the list of domain classes that are linked to swimlane shapes.
Public property Decorators Gets the collection of decorators for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property DefaultContainerMargin Gets the margin between the diagram and its element shapes. (Overrides NodeShape.DefaultContainerMargin.)
Public property DefaultGridSize Gets the size of the grid for the diagram. When the user moves a shape, its position is adjusted to align with the grid.
Public property DefaultShapeField Gets the default shape, which is the first shape that can receive focus. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property DefaultSize Gets the size of the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.DefaultSize.)
Public property Diagram Gets the diagram to which the shape belongs. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property DiagramId Gets or sets the ID that is assigned to the diagram.
Public property DragDropPendingAction Gets the mouse action that is responsible for initiating the drag-and-drop action.
Public property ElementOperations Gets the object that performs selection operations.
Public property EnsureVisiblePreference (Overrides ShapeElement.EnsureVisiblePreference.)
Protected property Events Gets the list of event handlers for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property FixedFlags Gets the flags that determine whether a shape is fixed to its position on the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property FocusedDiagramView Gets the diagram view that has the focus.
Public property FromRoleLinkShapes Gets the collection of link shapes for which this shape is the source. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property GeometryBackgroundBrushId Gets the ID of the brush that is used to paint the background of the geometry. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property GeometryBoundingBox Gets the bounding box of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property GeometryCanResizeBottom Gets the shape and verifies whether the user can resize it vertically, starting at the bottom. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property GeometryCanResizeLeft Gets the shape and verifies whether the user can resize it horizontally, starting on the left. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property GeometryCanResizeRight Gets the shape and verifies whether the user can resize it horizontally, starting on the right. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property GeometryCanResizeTop Gets the shape and verifies whether the user can resize it vertically, starting at the top. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property GeometryHasFilledBackground Gets the shape and verifies whether its background is painted. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property GeometryHasOutline Gets the shape and verifies whether it has an outline. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property GeometryHasShadow true if the shape has a shadow; otherwise, false. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property GeometryOutlinePenId Gets the ID of the pen that draws the outline for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property GeometryStyleSet Gets the style set for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property GestureExtensionController
Public property GridColor Gets or sets the color of the grid.
Public property GridSize Gets or sets the default grid size for the shapes on the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.GridSize.)
Public property GroupBoundsRules Gets or sets the bounds rules for a specific group of shapes on the diagram.
Public property HasAnchoring True if there are any settings in the Anchoring. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property HasAssociatedViews Gets the diagram and verifies whether it is associated with a diagram view.
Public property HasBackgroundGradient Gets the shape and verifies whether it has a gradient for its background. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property HasChildren true if the shape has child shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property HasConnectionPoints True if the ConnectionPoints list is not empty. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Protected property HasCustomToolTip Gets the shape and verifies whether it has a custom tooltip. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property HasDragOverToolTip Gets the shape and verifies whether it has a tooltip. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property HasFilledBackground Gets the shape and verifies whether it has a background. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property HasHighlighting Gets the shape and verifies whether it is highlighted. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property HasOutline Gets the diagram and verifies whether it has an outline. (Overrides ShapeElement.HasOutline.)
Public property HasShadow Gets the diagram and verifies whether it has a shadow. (Overrides ShapeElement.HasShadow.)
Public property HasSwimlanes Gets the diagram and verifies whether it has swimlanes.
Public property HasToolTip Gets the shape and verifies whether it has a tooltip. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property Id Gets the ID of the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property InvokeEditorAction Gets the mouse action that invokes a field editor when the user presses the mouse button.
Public property IsActive Gets the IsActive flag and verifies to see whether the element is active. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property IsCompleteView This property is now obsolete.
Public property IsDeleted Gets the IsDeleted flag and checks to see whether the element has been deleted from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property IsDeleting Gets the IsDeleting flag and verifies whether the element is currently being deleted from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property IsExpanded Gets the shape and verifies or sets whether it is expanded. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property IsNestedChild true if this shape element is in the NestedChildShapes of its ParentShape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Protected property IsPlaceRouteNode True if the shape’s position can be adjusted (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property IsPort true if the shape is a port shape; otherwise, false. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property IsRelativeChild true if this shape element is in the RelativeChildShapes of its ParentShape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property IsVisible If true, the shape appears on the diagram; if false, it does not appear, and layout and routing algorithms ignore it. See also Hide() and Show(). (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property IsWatermarkNeeded Gets the diagram and verifies whether a watermark should appear for it.
Public property LassoAction Gets the mouse action that initiates the lasso selection.
Public property LayoutObjectFixedFlags Gets or sets the flags that determine whether a shape inside the graph is fixed to its position on the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property LineAdjustAwayDefault Gets the shape and verifies whether child link shapes should try to align when they are connected to same shape or sets this value. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property LineAffinityDefault Gets or sets the target location where the link shape should try to position the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property LineToLineClearance Gets or sets the distance between child link shapes for this shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property LineToNodeClearance Gets or sets the distance between child link shapes and child node shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property Link Gets a list of link shapes. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property Location Gets or sets the coordinates of the top-left corner of the shape's bounds relative to its ParentShape. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property ManualRouteAction Gets the mouse action that initiates manual line routing.
Public property MaximumSize Gets the maximum size for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property MinimumResizableSize Gets the minimum size to which the shape can be resized. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property MinimumSize Gets the minimum height and width of the diagram. (Overrides NodeShape.MinimumSize.)
Public property ModelElement Gets or sets the model element that is associated with the presentation element. (Inherited from PresentationElement.)
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of the diagram.
Public property NavigationRoot Gets the root shape for the diagram.
Public property NeedsRenumber Set this true if you change the order of child shapes anywhere on the diagram. The ZOrder of each shape will be reset.
Public property NestedChildShapes The list of shapes that are part of this shape, and are constrained to appear within the boundaries of this shape or diagram. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property NestedShapesMargin Gets the margin between nested shapes in the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.NestedShapesMargin.)
Public property NodeToNodeClearance Gets or sets the margin between child node shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property OutlinePenId Gets the ID of the pen that draws the outline for the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.OutlinePenId.)
Public property OutlinePenWidth Gets the width of the outline for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Protected property PaintMoveableDecoratorSelectionLines (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property PanZoomAction Gets the mouse action that initiates zooming.
Protected property ParentLink Gets the relationship instance from the shape to the parent shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property ParentShape Gets the parent shape element. To appear on a diagram, a shape or connector must have a parent. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property Partition Gets or sets the Partition that contains the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property Perimeter Gets the perimeter (path) around the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property PortFixedFlags Gets the flags that determine whether a port shape is fixed to its position. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property RelatedShapeToEmphasize Gets the related shape to visually emphasize to the user when this shape is selected. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property RelativeChildShapes The list of shapes that are part of this shape, but can appear outside the boundaries of this shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Protected property RequiresWatermark Gets the diagram and verifies whether a watermark should appear for it.
Public property ResizableSides Gets the sides of the shape that the user can resize. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property ResizeAction Gets the mouse action that initiates the resizing of a shape.
Public property RouteJumpType Gets or sets the jump style to use when a link shape crosses over another link shape on the diagram.
Public property RoutingStyle Gets or sets the way link shapes are styled on the diagram.
Public property SelectAction Gets the mouse action that initiates the selection of a shape.
Public property SelectionRules Gets the rules that determine which elements in the diagram can be selected in a diagram and whether the diagram itself can be selected.
Public property ShapeFields Parts of a shape such as text rows and decorators. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property ShapeGeometry Gets the geometry of the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.ShapeGeometry.)
Public property ShouldAutoPlaceChildShapes Gets a shape and verifies whether its nested child shapes should be automatically positioned on the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property ShouldTryParentShapeForMergeOnToolboxDoubleClick If true, when the user double-clicks a toolbox item with this shape selected, if the tool cannot be merged with this shape, then a merge with the parent shape will be attempted. Defaults to true. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property ShowGrid Gets the diagram and verifies whether the grid should appear for it or sets the visibility state of the diagram.
Public property Size Gets or sets the size of the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property SnapToGrid If true, shapes on the diagram are adjusted to align with a grid when they are moved by the user. Default value is true.
Public property Store Gets the Store that contains the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property StyleSet Gets an instance of the style set for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)
Public property Subject Gets or sets the subject for the presentation element. Defaults to the same object as ModelElement. (Inherited from PresentationElement.)
Public property SupportsPorts Gets the diagram and verifies whether it contains ports.
Public property TargetToolboxItemFilterAttributes Gets the collection of filter attributes for the toolbox that is assigned to the diagram. (Overrides ShapeElement.TargetToolboxItemFilterAttributes.)
Public property ToolboxAction Gets the mouse action that invokes a response when the user clicks the Toolbox.
Public property ToRoleLinkShapes Gets the collection of link shapes for which this shape is the target. (Inherited from NodeShape.)
Public property WatermarkText Gets the watermark text that is assigned to the diagram.
Public property ZOrder Determines the order in which this shape will be displayed relative to other shapes on the diagram. Normally set from the order of child shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.)


See Also


Diagram Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams Namespace