2.2.17 History-Info Header Field extensions

This section follows the product behavior described in endnote <11>.

This protocol defines a History-Info header field parameter. The ABNF, as defined in [RFC5234], from [RFC4244] section 4.1 is extended as follows:

History-Info           = "History-Info" HCOLON
                         hi-entry *(COMMA hi-entry)
hi-entry               = hi-targeted-to-uri *( SEMI hi-param )
hi-targeted-to-uri     = name-addr
hi-param               = hi-index / hi-ms-retarget-reason / hi-ms-line-type
                         / hi-ms-target-phone / hi-extension
hi-index               = "index" EQUAL 1*DIGIT *(DOT 1*DIGIT)
hi-ms-retarget-reason  = "ms-retarget-reason" EQUAL 
hi-retarget-reason-val = "forwarding" / "team-call" 
                         / "delegation" / token
hi-ms-line-type        = "ms-line-type" EQUAL hi-line-type-val
hi-line-type-val       = "private" / token
hi-ms-target-phone     = "ms-target-phone" EQUAL telephone-uri
hi-extension           = generic-param

token is defined in [RFC3261] section 25.1. telephone-uri is defined in [RFC3966] section 3.