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Reference (Visual FoxPro)

The Visual FoxPro reference topics describe the commands, controls, objects, properties, methods, events, statements, functions, constants and productivity tools available.

In This Section

  • General Reference
    Includes Visual FoxPro-related technical information, including file types, file structures, and other reference information about Visual FoxPro elements.
  • User Interface Reference (Visual FoxPro)
    Explains the options that appear on various dialog boxes, windows, and other user interfaces. Generally, these topics appear when you press F1 in a dialog box or window.
  • Error Messages
    Provides information about some of the more common error messages in Visual FoxPro.

Related Sections

  • Using Visual FoxPro
    Gives an overview of Visual FoxPro features, concepts, and productivity tools for developing and managing high-performance database applications and components.
  • Samples and Walkthroughs
    Provides code samples that you can use for experimenting and becoming acquainted with features.