RemoteDispatchNotAutoDone (Opnum 8)

The RemoteDispatchNotAutoDone method is called by the client to invoke a method on the server.

 [id(0x60020001)] HRESULT RemoteDispatchNotAutoDone(
   [in] BSTR s,
   [out, retval] BSTR* pRetVal

s: The s parameter contains binary data representing the input parameters of the method called on the server. The binary data MUST be marshaled as specified in [MS-NRTP] section The data is specified as is in the BSTR, such that the length of the BSTR is the size of the data divided by 2 (rounded up if necessary).

pRetVal: The pRetVal parameter contains the binary data representing the output parameters of the method called on the server. The binary data MUST be marshaled as specified in [MS-NRTP] section The data is specified as is in the BSTR, such that the length of the BSTR is the size of the data divided by 2 (rounded up if necessary).

Return Values: An HRESULT that specifies success or failure. All success HRESULT values MUST be treated as success and all failure HRESULT values MUST be treated as failure.

When this method is invoked, the server MUST unmarshal the method input parameters and formulate a method call request. If the payload is a valid method call request for the given server object instance, the server MUST dispatch the method on the server object instance. Otherwise it MUST fail the call. After the server object instance completes the method call, the server MUST marshal the output parameters as specified in [MS-NRTP] section and return the encoded reply through the pRetVal argument.