
The Field complex type defines a list field, it has the following schema:

   <s:complexType name="Field">
     <s:attribute name="Name" type="s:string" use="required"/>
     <s:attribute name="Type" type="s:string" use="required"/>
     <s:attribute name="TypeAsString" type="s:string" use="optional"/> 
     <s:attribute name="Title" type="s:string" use="required"/>
     <s:attribute name="IsSurveyQuestion" type="tns:TrueFalseType" use="optional"/>
     <s:attribute name="ID" type="s:string" use="required"/>
     <s:attribute name="SourceId" type="s:string" use="required"/>
     <s:attribute name="Indexed" type="s:boolean" use="required"/>
     <s:attribute name="IsMultiValued" type="s:boolean" use="required"/>

Name: Specifies the name of the field.

Type: Specifies the type of the field; see [MS-WSSTS] section 2.5, for possible values.

TypeAsString: Specifies the type of the field as a simple string when the formal Type is not valid, or cannot be retrieved. If the Type of the field is valid, this attribute MUST be omitted.

Title: Specifies the title of the field.

IsSurveyQuestion: Specifies whether base type of the list is Survey (section and whether the field is contained in the base list type. It MUST be of type TrueFalseType, as defined in section If the Type of the field is not valid, this attribute MUST be omitted.

ID: Specifies the GUID of the field: MUST NOT be enclosed in curly brackets ({}).

SourceId: Specifies either the namespace that defines a build-in field or, if it is a custom field, the GUID that identifies the list or site where it was created.

Indexed: Specifies a Boolean value that MUST be true if, and only if, the list field is indexed in the content database.

IsMultiValued: Specifies a Boolean value that MUST be true if and only if the field can contain multiple values.<3>