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This tutorial is intended for MFC developers who are developing desktop applications and want to take advantage of the new MFC Ribbon framework. The tutorial steps you through how to add a default Ribbon to a small application, edit various Ribbon controls in Ribbon Designer, and then use the controls at run time. You will learn how easily MFC Ribbon framework allows you to edit and use Ribbon controls. When you are finished, you will have performed all the steps necessary to add and customize a basic Ribbon in an application.

The tutorial will involve real-time compiling of code and copying code from this document. In the event that a copying error (or any other problem) prevents the application from compiling, you can find fully completed samples in the tutorial package, along with the final source code for each exercise. These samples can be used to unblock compiling errors.


You must have the following items to complete this lab:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio® 2010 Beta 2 (or higher)
  • Windows 7

Learning Objectives

While completing this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Create a default Ribbon for your application in Visual Studio® 2010
  • Add Ribbon controls such as buttons, checkbox and chunks in Ribbon Designer
  • Add Event handler functions for Ribbon control in Ribbon Designer
  • Use the Ribbon controls at run time