MSDN Flash - Volume 18, Number 15: July 28, 2014

Top Stories

Free Microsoft Press Ebook - Building Cloud Apps with Microsoft Azure
Walk through a patterns-based approach to building real-world cloud solutions. The patterns apply to the development process as well as to architecture and coding practices. Anyone who watched Scott Guthrie's "Building Real-World Cloud Apps with Windows Azure" presentation and wants more details and updated information will find it here.

Mitigating Pass-the-Hash and Other Credential Theft, Version 2
Microsoft has released new guidance to help customers better protect against pass-the-hash attacks. The white paper encourages organizations to assume that a breach has already occurred in order to highlight the need for a more mature defense. It provides holistic planning strategies that you should consider implementing when architecting a credential theft defense. These strategies, when combined with the new Windows security features, will provide a more effective defense against pass-the-hash attacks.

Unite 2014: Unity & Windows Porting Lab
August 19, 2014, Seattle WA
Join Microsoft for a one-day porting lab where you will meet experts, receive training, and spend hands-on time porting your game(s) to the Windows platform. This free event is designed to accommodate both Unity beginners and Unity intermediate level. If you want your game to reach millions of new customers, this is the event to attend.

Your Featured Content

Let’s Code! Handling Validation in Your Windows Store App (WinRT-XAML)
Technical Evangelist Jerry Nixon guides developers through a simple pattern for handling validation in Windows Store, or any XAML application. Learn what options you have for data validation with Windows Runtime Developer. Gain a better understanding of Property and ModelBase along with code samples.

Automated and Continuous Integration for Java Applications in Visual Studio Online
July 29, 2014
Building Java applications? We want to make continuous integration easy for you, too. Find out how you can take your Java applications and get continuous integration wired up in a few steps using your free Visual Studio Online account.

Configuring a Release Pipeline with Visual Studio Release Management
July 31, 2014
Software development teams continually deploy applications to production. Most of the time this is done manually and through email with operational teams. Join us to find out how to leverage the power of Visual Studio Release Management to build a pipeline from development to production.

Getting Started with Application Insights - Learning in Production
August 6, 2014
Gathering analytics about your application and using it to stay lean is how many companies are getting a competitive advantage these days. Join this session to find out how you can get started using Application Insights to learn about your application in production.

August 8: Introduction to Office 365 Development
Do you have questions about Office 365 development? Get them answered in this half-day session with live Q&A. Experts from the product team walk you through demos and real-world scenarios to help you reach the 1 billion Office users around the world.

BizSpark Startup App: Mathgician
Winprovise co-founders Tim Chew and Walter Wong share their story from initial idea through their journey of patience, perseverance, and multiple rejections to final published product. Learn how Mathgician was created using ASP.NET, SignalR, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Store App with XAML, and [Microsoft Azure](\\).

Get Your Uber on Windows Phone
Uber, the popular technology platform that connects users with safe, reliable, and seamless transportation announced their official Windows Phone app. Uber for Windows Phone is a fast, full-featured native app that makes ordering your next ride super easy. Learn more and get inspired to build your app.

Getting Started with Dev/Test Workloads in the Cloud
July 30, 2014
Join us to find out how easy it is to create and manage dev/test environments in the cloud with Microsoft Azure. This session will include an overview of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and virtual networking.

Get Started with the Elastic Load Testing Service in Visual Studio Online
August 5, 2014
Interested in understanding how your application will scale under demanding user requests? Join this session to find out how you can leverage Visual Studio Online to run on-demand load tests ranging from a few users to millions.

Code Lens for Productivity - Getting Information About Your Code
August 7, 2014
Join this session to find out how Code Lens aggregates data to give you a heads-up display about your code, including churn and quality.

On Demand from MVA: Windows 8.1 UX Design Jump Start
Designers, here's your chance to showcase your current design skills, express your brand, and design exciting Windows Store apps. See how to use windowing for efficient multitasking and find out how the search contract can make your app discoverable to millions of people.

Every Dev Has a Story: BYU8 App Dev Team
Meet the team behind the BYU8 app for Windows 8. Listen to their story as they share with us their inspiration for developing their first app (ever) as well as what tools they used and their experience developing on the Windows platform.

My App in 60 Seconds: Arena of Heroes
Marshall Adair, Studio Head for SneakyGames, shares how they created their Windows 8 game "Arena of Heroes."