Concurrent Affairs

Asynchronous Device Operations

Jeffrey Richter

Code download available at: Concurrent Affairs 2007_06.exe(162 KB)


CreateFile and DeviceIoControl
Win32 Device Communication
Synchronous Device I/O in Managed Code
Asynchronous Device I/O in Managed Code
DeviceIoControl’s Overlapped Parameter
Opportunistic Locks

In my last column, I demonstrated how to implement two base classes, AsyncResultNoResult and AsyncResult<TResult>. Both of these classes implement the IAsyncResult interface, which is at the core of the common language runtime (CLR) Asynchronous Programming Model (APM). In this column, I’m going to use the AsyncResult<TResult> class to implement the APM in a way that allows you to perform hardware device operations asynchronously. Reading this column will also give you insight into how the Microsoft® .NET Framework itself performs asynchronous file and network I/O operations. All of this code resides in my Power Threading library, available from

CreateFile and DeviceIoControl

In Win32®-based coding, when you want to work with a file, you open it by calling the Win32 CreateFile function and then perform operations on the file by calling functions such as WriteFile and ReadFile. Ultimately, when you’re finished working with the file, you close it by calling the CloseHandle function.

In the .NET Framework, constructing a FileStream object internally calls CreateFile. Calling FileStream’s Read and Write methods internally calls the Win32 WriteFile and ReadFile functions respectively. And Calling FileStream’s Close or Dispose methods internally calls the Win32 CloseHandle function. When working with files, most applications just need to write data to and read data from the file and so the FileStream class offers most of the operations you need.

However, Windows® actually offers many more operations that can be performed on a file. For the more common operations, Windows provides specific Win32 functions like WriteFile, ReadFile, FlushFileBuffers, and GetFileSize. However, for infrequently used operations, Win32 doesn’t supply specific functions; instead, it offers one function, DeviceIoControl, that lets an application communicate directly with the device driver (such as the NTFS disk driver) responsible for manipulating the file. Examples of infrequently used file operations include opportunistic locking, manipulating the change journal (, compressing disk volumes/files, creating junction points, formatting/repartitioning disks, and working with sparse files.

Furthermore, DeviceIoControl can be used by any application to communicate with any hardware device driver. Using DeviceIoControl, an application can query the computer’s battery status, query or change the LCD’s brightness, manipulate a CD or DVD changer, query and eject USB devices, and much more.

Win32 Device Communication

Let’s take a quick look at the Win32 way of having an application communicate with a device and then wrap this functionality so that it can be used from managed code.

In Win32, the way you open a device is by calling the CreateFile function. CreateFile’s first argument is a string identifying the device to open. Normally, a path name is specified for the string causing CreateFile to open a file. However, you can pass special strings to CreateFile, causing it to open devices. Figure 1 shows some potential strings and describes the kind of device the string causes CreateFile to open. Be aware that some of these devices are restricted to the system or members of the Administrators group and so attempting to open some of these devices may fail unless your application is running with the required access permissions.

Figure 1 Special CreateFile Strings

String Passed to CreateFile Description
@“\\.\PhysicalDrive1” Opens hard drive 1, allowing access to all its sectors.
@“\\.\C:” Opens the C: disk volume, allowing you to manipulate this volume’s change journal.
@“\\.\Changer0” Opens disc changer 0, allowing you to move discs around and perform other operations.
@“\\.\Tape0” Opens tape drive 0, allowing you to back up and restore files.
@“\\.\COM2” Opens communication port 2, allowing you to send and receive bytes.
@“\\.\LCD” Opens the LCD device, allowing you to query and adjust brightness.

Now that you know how to open a device, let’s look at the Win32 function DeviceIoControl:

BOOL DeviceIoControl(
   HANDLE hDevice,           // Handle returned from CreateFile
   DWORD  dwIoControlCode,   // Operation control code
   PVOID  pInBuffer,         // Address of input buffer
   DWORD  nInBufferSize,     // Size, in bytes, of input buffer
   PVOID  pOutBuffer,        // Address of output buffer
   DWORD  nOutBufferSize,    // Size, in bytes, of output buffer
   PDWORD pBytesReturned,    // Gets number of bytes written to 
                             // pOutBuffer
   POVERLAPPED pOverlapped); // For asynchronous operation

When calling this function, the handle parameter refers to a file, directory, or device driver obtained by calling CreateFile. The dwIoControlCode parameter indicates the operation to perform on the device. Each operation is simply identified via this 32-bit integer code. If an operation requires arguments, then the arguments are placed in fields of a data structure and the address of the structure is passed for the pInBuffer parameter. The size of the structure is passed in the nInBufferSize parameter. Similarly, if the operation returns some data, then the output data is placed in a buffer, which must be allocated by the caller. The address of this buffer is passed in the pOutBuffer parameter. The size of this buffer is passed in the nOutBufferSize parameter. When DeviceIoControl returns, it writes the number of bytes actually written to the output buffer in the pBytesReturned parameter (which is passed by reference). Finally, when performing synchronous operations, NULL is passed for the pOverlapped parameter. But when performing an asynchronous operation, the address of an OVERLAPPED structure must be passed in. I’ll explain this is great detail later in this column.

Now that you have a sense of how to communicate with devices via Win32, let’s start writing a managed wrapper over these Win32 functions so that you can write managed code in a .NET language to communicate directly with hardware devices.

Synchronous Device I/O in Managed Code

First, let’s focus on how to perform synchronous device operations. Later, I’ll add the code necessary to perform asynchronous operations. In C#, I have defined a static DeviceIO class that is a friendly wrapper around the Win32 CreateFile and DeviceIoControl functions. Figure 2 shows the public object model for this class.

Figure 2 Wrapping CreateFile and DeviceIoControl

public static class DeviceIO {
   public static SafeFileHandle OpenDevice(String deviceName, 
      FileAccess access, FileShare share, Boolean useAsync);

   public static void Control(SafeFileHandle device, 
      DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode);

   public static void Control(SafeFileHandle device, 
      DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode, Object inBuffer);

   public static TResult GetObject<TResult>(SafeFileHandle device, 
      DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode) where TResult: new();

   public static TResult GetObject<TResult>(SafeFileHandle device,
      DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode, Object inBuffer) 
          where TResult : new();

   public static TElement[] GetArray<TElement>(SafeFileHandle device, 
      DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode, Object inBuffer, 
      Int32 maxElements) where TElement : struct;

In a managed application, you can call OpenDevice, passing in a string similar to those shown in Figure 1, plus the desired access and sharing. OpenDevice will internally call CreateFile returning the handle to the device. The handle is actually returned wrapped in a SafeFileHandle object to ensure that it will ultimately be closed and to get the other benefits offered by way of all SafeHandle-derived classes. This SafeFileHandle object can be passed as the first argument to any of DeviceIO’s other static methods and this is ultimately passed as the first argument when calling the Win32 DeviceIoControl function.

The second argument to all the other methods is a DeviceControlCode, a simple structure (value type) that contains just one private instance field, an Int32, that identifies a command code you want to send to a device. I found that wrapping the Int32 command code into its own type caused the code to read better, be more type-safe, and benefit from IntelliSense® in Visual Studio®. Internally, the Int32 value contained inside a DeviceControlCode instance is passed as the second argument to the Win32 DeviceIoControl function.

Now, when examining device control codes, you’ll detect that there are a few common patterns, and I decided to offer friendly methods to make working with these common patterns convenient. All of these methods execute the operation synchronously; that is, the calling thread will not return until the operation is complete. Also, when calling any of these methods, you must specify false for the useAsync argument when calling OpenDevice.

The Control method encapsulates a pattern where the control code you’re sending to a device causes the device to perform some operation and the device has no resulting data to return. There is a Control method that takes just a SafeFileHandle and a control code and an overload that takes an additional Object argument. The additional Object argument allows you to pass some additional data to the device that it will use for an operation. When you look up control codes in the Win32 SDK documentation, the documentation will indicate what additional information (if necessary) you must pass for each control code. If you need additional data, you must define a managed type that is the equivalent of the Win32 data type, construct an instance of it, initialize its fields, and pass a reference to the instance for the inBuffer parameter.

The GetObject<TResult> method encapsulates a pattern where the control code you’re sending to a device causes the device to return some data back to your application. To get this return data, you must define a managed type that is the equivalent of the Win32 data type, and specify this type as the generic type, TResult, when calling GetObject. Internally, GetObject will create an instance of this type (which is why the generic type has the new constraint applied to it), the device will initialize the fields inside the call to DeviceIoControl, and GetObject will return the initialized object back out to you. When calling GetObject, there are two overloads allowing you to optionally pass additional data to the device via the inBuffer parameter.

The GetArray<TElement> method encapsulates the last pattern where the control code you’re sending to a device causes the device to return an array of elements to your application. To get these elements, you must define a managed type that is the equivalent of the data type of the Win32 element, and specify this type as the generic type, TElement, when calling GetArray. The managed data type must be defined as a structure (value type) so that the array’s memory is laid out linearly as required by DeviceIoControl; this is why TElement is constrained to struct. Also, when calling GetArray, you must specify the maximum number of elements that you want returned from the device via the maxElements parameter.

Internally, GetObject will create an array of these elements and pass the address of the array to DeviceIoControl, which will initialize the individual array elements. When DeviceIoControl returns, it returns the number of bytes actually placed in the array. GetArray uses this value to shrink (if necessary) the array to the exact size so that the number of elements in the array is equal to the number of elements initialized. This is a big convenience as any code that uses this array (returned from GetArray) can simply query the array’s Length property to get the number of items and use this value in its loop to process the returned elements.

Figure 3 shows the managed equivalent of the Win32 DisplayBrightness structure and its helper DisplayPowerFlags enumerated type. Figure 4 shows an AdjustBrightness method that uses my static DeviceIO class to constantly adjust your LCD’s brightness up and down. I must say that this is not a very useful application in real life, but it is a simple example that shows the basic concepts.

Figure 4 Adjusting LCD Brightness

public static void AdjustBrightness(6) {
   // The code for setting LCD brightness; obtained by looking up 
   // IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS in Platform SDK documentation
   DeviceControlCode s_SetBrightness =
      new DeviceControlCode(DeviceType.Video, 0x127, 
         DeviceMethod.Buffered, DeviceAccess.Any);

   // Open the device
   using (SafeFileHandle lcd = DeviceIO.OpenDevice(@”\\.\LCD”, 
      FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite, false)) {

      for (Int32 times = 0; times < 10; times++) {
         for (Int32 dim = 0; dim <= 100; dim += 20) {
            // Initialize the equivalent of a Win32 DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS 
            // structure
            DisplayBrightness db = 
               new DisplayBrightness(DisplayPowerFlags.ACDC, 
                  (Byte)((times % 2 == 0) ? dim : 100 - dim));

            // Tell the LCD device to adjust its brightness
            DeviceIO.Control(lcd, s_SetBrightness, db);

            // Sleep for a bit and then adjust it again

Figure 3 Managed DisplayBrightness Structure

internal enum DisplayPowerFlags : byte {
   None = 0x00000000, AC = 0x00000001, DC = 0x00000002, ACDC = AC | DC

internal struct DisplayBrightness {
   public DisplayPowerFlags m_Power;
   public Byte m_ACBrightness; // 0-100
   public Byte m_DCBrightness; // 0-100

   public Win32DisplayBrightnessStructure(
         DisplayPowerFlags power, Byte level) {
      m_Power = power;
      m_ACBrightness = m_DCBrightness = level;

Asynchronous Device I/O in Managed Code

Some device operations, like changing LCD brightness, are not really I/O operations and so it makes sense to call DeviceIoControl synchronously when performing these kinds of operations. However, most calls to DeviceIoControl result in I/O (hence the name of the function) and, therefore, it makes sense to execute these operations asynchronously. In this section, I’ll explain how to P/Invoke from managed code out to the Win32 DeviceIoControl function in order to perform asynchronous I/O operations to files, disks, and other hardware devices.

My static DeviceIO class offers asynchronous versions of the Control, GetObject, and GetArray methods by way of the CLR’s APM. Figure 5 shows the public methods (not shown earlier) of this class that support the APM.

Figure 5 DeviceIO Asynchronous Methods

public static class DeviceIO {
   public static IAsyncResult BeginControl(SafeFileHandle device,
      DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode, Object inBuffer,
      AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state);

   public static void EndControl(IAsyncResult result);

   public static IAsyncResult BeginGetObject<TResult>(
      SafeFileHandle device, DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode, 
      Object inBuffer, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state) 
      where TResult: new();

   public static TResult EndGetObject<TResult>(IAsyncResult result)
      where TResult: new();

   public static IAsyncResult BeginGetArray<TElement>(
      SafeFileHandle device, DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode, 
      Object inBuffer, Int32 maxElements, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, 
      Object state) where TElement: struct;

   public static TElement[] EndGetArray<TElement>(IAsyncResult result) 
      where TElement: struct;

As you can see, all the BeginXxx methods follow the CLR’s APM pattern; that is, they all return an IAsyncResult and the last two parameters are an AsyncCallback and an Object. The additional parameters match those of each method’s synchronous counterpart. Similarly, all the EndXxx methods accept a single parameter, an IAsyncResult, and each returns the same data type as each method’s synchronous counterpart.

In order to call any of these asynchronous methods, two things must happen. First, you must tell Windows that you want to perform operations on the device asynchronously. This is accomplished by passing the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag (which has a numeric value of 0x40000000) to the CreateFile function. The managed equivalent of this flag is FileOptions.Asynchronous (which, of course, also has a value of 0x40000000). Second, you have to tell the device driver to post operation completion entries into the CLR’s thread pool. This is accomplished by calling ThreadPool’s static BindHandle method, which takes one parameter, a reference to a SafeHandle-derived object.

DeviceIO’s OpenDevice method performs both of these actions when you pass true for its useAsync parameter. Here is how my OpenDevice method is implemented:

public static SafeFileHandle OpenDevice(String deviceName, 
   FileAccess access, FileShare share, Boolean useAsync) {

   SafeFileHandle device = CreateFile(deviceName, access, share, 
      IntPtr.Zero, FileMode.Open, 
      useAsync ? FileOptions.Asynchronous : FileOptions.None, 

   if (device.IsInvalid) throw new Win32Exception();
   if (useAsync) ThreadPool.BindHandle(device);

   return device;

Now, let’s take a look at how BeginGetObject and EndGetObject work internally. The other asynchronous methods work similarly and you will be able to understand how they work easily after walking through BeginGetObject and EndGetObject. All of the BeginXxx methods are very simple; they construct an object or array if the operation returns some return value or array of elements, and then they immediately call an internal helper method, AsyncControl, which is implemented as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 AsyncControl

private static DeviceAsyncResult<T> AsyncControl<T>(
    SafeFileHandle device, 
   DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode, Object inBuffer, T outBuffer, 
   AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state) {

   SafePinnedObject inDeviceBuffer = new SafePinnedObject(inBuffer);
   SafePinnedObject outDeviceBuffer = new SafePinnedObject(outBuffer);
   DeviceAsyncResult<T> asyncResult = new DeviceAsyncResult<T>(
      inDeviceBuffer, outDeviceBuffer, asyncCallback, state);

   unsafe {
      Int32 bytesReturned;
      NativeControl(device, deviceControlCode, inDeviceBuffer, 
          outDeviceBuffer, out bytesReturned, 
   return asyncResult;

When performing an operation, you can pass the address of a buffer containing additional input data to DeviceIoControl. If DeviceIoControl returns data, the memory for that data must be allocated before calling DeviceIoControl so that DeviceIoControl can initialize the data; the data is then examined when the operation completes. The problem is that the operation could theoretically take hours to complete and during this time garbage collections could occur that would move the data around. As a result, the addresses passed to DeviceIoControl would no longer refer to the desired buffers and memory corruption would occur.

You can tell the GC not to move an object around by pinning the object. My SafePinnedObject class is a helper class that pins an object in memory, preventing the GC from moving it. However, since the SafePinnedObject class is derived from SafeHandle, it comes with all the benefits you normally get with SafeHandle-derived types, including the assurance that the object will be unpinned at some point in the future. Figure 7 gives you an idea of how the SafePinnedObject class is implemented (I’ve removed some validation code to save space). For more information about SafeHandle-derived types and about pinning objects in memory, see my book CLR via C# (Microsoft Press®, 2006).

Figure 7 Pinning Objects in Memory with SafePinnedObject

public sealed class SafePinnedObject : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid {
   private GCHandle m_gcHandle;  // Handle of pinned object (or 0)

   public SafePinnedObject(Object obj) : base(true) {
      // If obj is null, we create this object but it pins nothing
      if (obj == null) return;

      // If specified, pin the buffer and save its memory address
      m_gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(obj, GCHandleType.Pinned);

   protected override Boolean ReleaseHandle() {
      SetHandle(IntPtr.Zero); // Just for safety, set the address to null
      m_gcHandle.Free();      // Unpin the object
      return true;

   // Returns the object of a pinned buffer or null if not specified
   public Object Target {
      get { return IsInvalid ? null : m_gcHandle.Target; }

   // Returns the number of bytes in a pinned object or 0 if not specified
   public Int32 Size {
      get {
         Object target = Target;

         // If obj was null, return 0 bytes
         if (target == null) return 0;

         // If obj is not an array, return the size of it
         if (!target.GetType().IsArray) return Marshal.SizeOf(target);

         // obj is an array, return the total size of the array
         Array a = (Array)target;
         return a.Length * Marshal.SizeOf(a.GetType().GetElementType());

After pinning both the input and output buffers, AsyncControl constructs a DeviceAsyncResult<TResult> object passing into it the two SafePinnedObject objects, an AsyncCallback, and an Object. DeviceAsyncResult<TResult> is another type internal to my implementation. This type is derived from AsyncResult<TResult> (as discussed in my last column), which means this type implements the APM’s IAsyncResult interface. When constructed, the DeviceAsyncResult object simply saves all the arguments passed to it in private fields and then returns.

DeviceIoControl’s Overlapped Parameter

Now that all this prep work is complete, AsyncControl is ready to call DeviceIoControl. It does that by calling NativeControl passing it the device handle, the control code, the input buffer, the output buffer, and a reference to an Int32 bytesReturned variable (which will basically be ignored by the method since the method will return before the operation completes). The most important argument is the last one: when performing an asynchronous operation, DeviceIoControl must be passed the address of a NativeOverlapped structure (the equivalent of a Win32 OVERLAPPED structure). AsyncControl obtains this by calling a helper method, GetNativeOverlapped, defined in my DeviceAsyncResult class. This helper method is implemented as follows:

// Create and return a NativeOverlapped structure to be passed 
// to native code
public unsafe NativeOverlapped* GetNativeOverlapped() {
   // Create a managed Overlapped structure that refers to our 
   // IAsyncResult (this)
   Overlapped o = new Overlapped(0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, this);

   // Pack the managed Overlapped structure into a NativeOverlapped 
   // structure
   return o.Pack(CompletionCallback, 
      new Object[] { m_inBuffer.Target, m_outBuffer.Target });

This method constructs an instance of the System.Threading.Overlapped class and initializes it. This is a managed helper class that lets you set up and manipulate an overlapped structure. However, you cannot pass a reference to this object to native code. Instead you must first pack the Overlapped object into a NativeOverlapped object; a reference to the resulting NativeOverlapped object can then be passed to native code. When you call Pack, you pass it a delegate referring to a callback method that a thread pool thread will execute when the operation completes. In my code, this is the CompletionCallback method.

Calling the Overlapped class’s Pack method does several things. It allocates memory for a native OVERLAPPED structure from the managed heap and pins it, which ensures that the memory will not be moved should a GC occur. It then initializes the fields of the NativeOverlapped structure’s field from the fields set in the managed Overlapped object. This includes creating a normal GCHandle for the IAsyncResult object that the Overlapped object refers to ensuring that the IAsyncResult object stays alive for the duration of the operation.

Pack then pins the callback method (CompletionCallback) delegate so that the fixed address can be passed to native code, thus allowing native code to call back to managed code when this operation completes. Pack also pins any additional objects referenced by its second parameter, an Object array. In my case, the inBuffer and outBuffer objects are already pinned because I wrapped them using my SafePinnedObject class. I need to pin them myself so that I can get their address by calling GCHandle’s AddrOfPinnedObject method.

However, the Pack method pins them again, but in a special way. Normally, when an AppDomain is unloaded, the CLR automatically unpins any objects, allowing them to be collected and thus preventing a memory leak. But Pack pins the objects until the asynchronous operation completes. So if an asynchronous operation is started and then the AppDomain is unloaded, the Pack-pinned objects will not be unpinned. After the operation completes, the objects will be unpinned allowing them to be collected; this prevents memory corruption.

Pack also records which AppDomain called Pack to ensure that the thread pool thread that calls the CompletionCallback method executes in the same AppDomain. Finally, Pack captures the stack of code access security permissions so that when the callback method executes, it executes under the same security permissions that the code initiating the asynchronous operation was under. You can call the Overlapped class’s UnsafePack method if you prefer not to propagate the stack of security permissions.

Pack returns the address of the pinned NativeOverlapped structure; this address can be passed to any native function that expects the address to a Win32 OVERLAPPED structure. In my AsyncControl method, the NativeOverlapped structure’s address is passed to NativeControl (see Figure 8), which passes it to the Win32 DeviceIoControl function.

Figure 8 Native Control

private static unsafe void NativeControl(SafeFileHandle device, 
   DeviceControlCode deviceControlCode, 
   SafePinnedObject inBuffer, SafePinnedObject outBuffer, 
   out Int32 bytesReturned, NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped) {

   Boolean ok = DeviceIoControl(device, deviceControlCode.Code,
      inBuffer, inBuffer.Size, outBuffer, outBuffer.Size, 
      out bytesReturned, nativeOverlapped);
   if (ok) return;

   Int32 error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
   const Int32 c_ErrorIOPending = 997;
   if (error == c_ErrorIOPending) return;
   throw new InvalidOperationException(
      String.Format(“Control failed (code={0})”, error));

When performing an asynchronous operation, DeviceIoControl returns immediately and, ultimately, the DeviceAsyncResult object that implements the IAsyncResult interface is returned from DeviceIO’s BeginObject<TResult> method.

When the operation completes, the device driver queues an entry in the CLR’s thread pool. You’ll recall that the driver knows to do this because DeviceIO’s OpenDevice method internally calls ThreadPool’s BindHandle method when the device is opened for asynchronous access. Eventually, a thread pool thread will extract this queued entry, adopt any saved permission sets, jump into the right AppDomain, and call the CompletionCallback method (see Figure 9). Don’t forget that the CompletionCallback method is defined inside the DeviceAsyncResult<TResult> class, which is derived from the AsyncResult<TResult> class.

Figure 9 CompletionCallback

// Called by a thread pool thread when native overlapped I/O completes
private unsafe void CompletionCallback(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes,
   NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped) {
   // Release the native OVERLAPPED structure and 
   // let the IAsyncResult object (this) be collectable.

   try {
      if (errorCode != 0) {
         // An error occurred, record the Win32 error code
         base.SetAsCompleted(new Win32Exception((Int32)errorCode), false);
      } else {
         // No error occurred, the output buffer contains the result
         TResult result = (TResult)m_outBuffer.Target;

         // If the result is an array of values, resize the array 
         // to the exact size so that the Length property is accurate
         if ((result != null) && result.GetType().IsArray) {
            // Only resize if the number of elements initialized in the 
            // array is less than the size of the array itself
            Type elementType = result.GetType().GetElementType();
            Int64 numElements = numBytes / Marshal.SizeOf(elementType);
            Array origArray = (Array)(Object)result;
            if (numElements < origArray.Length) {
               // Create new array (size equals number of initialized 
               // elements)
               Array newArray = Array.CreateInstance(
                   elementType, numElements);

               // Copy initialized elements from original array to new 
               // array
               Array.Copy(origArray, newArray, numElements);
               result = (TResult)(Object)newArray;
         // Record result and call AsyncCallback method passed to BeginXxx 
         // method
         base.SetAsCompleted(result, false);
   finally {
      // Make sure that the input and output buffers are unpinned
      m_inBuffer = m_outBuffer = null;   // Allow early GC

The first thing that the CompletionCallback method does is free the nativeOverlapped object. This is extremely important as it releases the GCHandle on the IAsyncResult object, unpins all the objects passed to the Overlapped class’s Pack method, and also unpins the NativeOverlapped object itself allowing it to be GC’d. Forgetting to free the NativeOverlapped object results in leaking several objects.

The rest of CompletionCallback’s code is pretty straightforward. It is just a matter of recording in the AsyncResult<T> base class’s state whether the operation failed or the result of the operation (adjusting the array size if DeviceIO’s BeginGetArray was called to initiate the operation). In CompletionCallback’s finally block, there is some code to dispose of the SafePinnedObject objects, ensuring that the input and output buffers are no longer pinned and allowing them to be compacted by the GC and ultimately have their memory reclaimed by the GC when the application no longer cares about these buffers.

At some point, the application code will call DeviceIO’s EndControl, EndGetObject, or EndGetArray method, passing in the DeviceAsyncResult<TResult> object returned from the corresponding Begin method. Internally, all these End methods just call AsyncResult<TResult>’s EndInvoke method, which either throws the exception set into it inside CompletionCallback or returns the value set into it.

Opportunistic Locks

An opportunistic lock gives you a simple example that demonstrates an asynchronous device operation. Figure 10 shows a static OpLockDemo class whose Main method creates a file (using the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag). The SafeFileHandle embedded inside the FileStream is then passed to BeginFilter, which internally calls the DeviceIO’s BeginControl method, passing the code that establishes a request filter opportunistic lock on the file. Now the file system device driver will watch to see if any other application attempts to open the file and, if so, the device driver will queue an entry to the CLR’s thread pool. This will in turn call the anonymous method that sets the s_earlyEnd field to 1, which indicates that another application wants to access the file. The first application will then close the file allowing the other application to continue running with access to the file.

Figure 10 Demonstrating an Opportunistic Lock

internal static class OpLockDemo {
   private static Byte s_endEarly = 0;

   public static void Main() {
      String filename = Path.Combine(

      // Attempt to open/create the file for processing (must be 
      // asynchronous)
      using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(
             filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
         FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite, 8096,
         FileOptions.Asynchronous)) {

         // Request the Filter Oplock on the file.
         // When another process attempts to access the file, the system 
         // will 
         //    1. Block the other process until we close the file
         //    2. Call us back notifying us that another process wants to 
         // access the file
            delegate(IAsyncResult result) {
               Console.WriteLine(“Another process wants to access “ +
                                “the file or the file closed”);
               Thread.VolatileWrite(ref s_endEarly, 1);  // Tell Main 
                                                         // thread to end 
                                                         // early
            }, null);

         // Pretend we’re accessing the file here
         for (Int32 count = 0; count < 100; count++) {
            Console.WriteLine(“Accessing the file ({0})...”, count);

            // If the user hits a key or if another application 
            // wants to access the file, close the file.
            if (Console.KeyAvailable || 
               (Thread.VolatileRead(ref s_endEarly) == 1)) break;
      }  // Close the file here allows the other process to continue 
         // running

   // Establish a Request filter opportunistic lock
   private static IAsyncResult BeginFilter(SafeFileHandle file, 
      AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state) {

      // See FSCTL_REQUEST_FILTER_OPLOCK in Platform SDK’s WinIoCtl.h file
      DeviceControlCode RequestFilterOpLock =
         new DeviceControlCode(DeviceType.FileSystem, 23, 
            DeviceMethod.Buffered, DeviceAccess.Any);

      return DeviceIO.BeginControl(file, RequestFilterOpLock, null, 
         asyncCallback, state);

   private static void EndFilter(IAsyncResult result) { 

To test all of this, start the OpLockDemo application. Then go to your desktop and attempt to delete the FilterOpLock.dat file that the application creates. This will cause the anonymous method to get called, ending the sample application.


Windows and its device drivers offer many features that the .NET Framework class library does not wrap. Fortunately, though, the .NET Framework does provide the appropriate mechanisms allowing you to P/Invoke to gain access to these useful features. The fact that you can perform these operations asynchronously means you can build robust, reliable, and scalable applications that take advantage of these features.

Send your questions and comments for Jeffrey to

Jeffrey Richter is a cofounder of Wintellect, an architecture review, consulting and training firm. He is the author of several books, including CLR via C# (Microsoft Press, 2006). Jeffrey is also a contributing editor to MSDN Magazine and has been consulting with Microsoft since 1990.