Add or Remove Favorites (Compact 7)


You can add or remove the location of a favorite registry key of a Windows Embedded Compact powered device by using the Remote Registry Editor. When you make a registry key a favorite, you can access its location more easily.

To add a registry key as a favorite

  1. In the left pane of the Remote Tools Shell window, click the Registry node for your device.

  2. In the middle pane of the Remote Tools Shell window, expand the registry tree and click a registry key that you want to add as a favorite.

  3. On the Registry Editor menu, point to Favorites, and click Add selected key as a Favorite.

    The newly added favorite appears as a menu item under Favorites on the Registry Editor menu.

  4. To view the added registry key, on the Registry Editor menu, point to Favorites and click the added registry key.

    The registry tree opens at the location of the recently added registry key.

To remove a registry key as a favorite

  1. On the Registry Editor menu, point to Favorites and click Remove Favorites.

  2. In the Remove Favorites dialog box, click the favorite registry key that you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove, and then click Close to close the dialog box.

    On the Registry Editor menu, under Favorites, the registry key no longer appears.

See Also


Remote Registry Editor