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EuroDisplay Object


Use this object to convert and format currency amounts where multiple currencies must be displayed.

ProgID:   Commerce.EuroDisplay (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   EuroDisplay
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Euro Display Component Type Library
DLL Name:   EuroDisp.dll
Threading Model:   Both

The methods of the EuroDisplay object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
ConvertAltStringToCurr Converts a string representation of a monetary value in the currency specified by the alternate locale identifier to a currency Variant.
ConvertBaseStringToCurr Converts a string representation of a monetary value in the currency specified by the base locale identifier to a currency Variant.
ConvertMoney Converts the specified currency Variant (representing a monetary value in the base currency) to a currency Variant representing a monetary value in the alternate currency, using the initialized conversion rate.
FormatAltMoney Creates a string representation of a currency Variant, based on the alternate locale identifier and the alternate currency symbol string.
FormatBaseMoney Creates a string representation of a currency Variant, based on the base locale identifier and the base currency symbol string.
Initialize Initializes the object with the specified alternate currency symbol, base currency symbol, alternate locale identifier, base locale identifier, and conversion rate.

See Also

Display Objects

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